
My mom's dream. Dream interpretation?

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PLEASE be serious about this, no smart *** answers!!!

Okay, my grandmother died about a few years ago. And that was my mom's mother. My mom has a lot of almost scary & supernatural dreams. I'll try to remember most of this one, particular dream-

She heard her mother in the dream but all she saw was blood and her mother saying her name.

I dont really remember what else the dream was about, but I think she said something about a rag being covered with blood. She also told me that she doesn't think her mom has been resting in peace, like there's something missing. On my mother's side of the family, there has been a lot of death & poverty. So I think that her dreams have been a reflection of such loses.

Anyone that can relate or offer insight?




  1. You see, when you are emotionally wrecked by someone's death, you are psychologically and physically drained.

    What happens when you are emotionally drained? You are more likely going to have abnormal dreams that will confuse you, because dream is a pictorial language of your subconsciousness.

    I know your mom's dream is very freakish, but I wouldn't be sniffing around to look for a hidden message of grandma's insinuation. I'd rather talk to your mother about the dream and channel her to find her comfort. Her dream tells me that she's fixated on grandma's death and still feeling sad about her, perhaps?

  2. you should cal sylvia brown

  3. WOAH that's not good. I would suggest counseling. My great grandad went for counseling because he kept seeing dead people that he thought he new but could not remember, and now he is fine.  

  4. All grieving or mourning should cease as this causes the dead to suffer.  Your mother should pray for her.  More info below:;...

  5. It's normal, your mom feels like she might have been able to prevent it. The thoughts going through her mind throughout the day gather up in her neurons to be stored in her long term memory while she's a sleep and create a dream/nightmare. So what I can interpret from it is that maybe she feels guilty for her mom's death.

  6. Ok its a big dream ; I warn you right away that you will not like my answer ; first do not worry about your grand mother ; she is very well where she is ; the reason she came to your mother in her dream covered of blood and call her name mean ;; that your mother will go to a very traumatic event within a year ; what your grandma did is warning her that a tough time is on her way ; I know its  not a good news but life can sometimes be very tough on us  

  7. my grandparents talk to there kids (my uncle and aunts)

    threw there dreams.

    like once both of my aunts had the same dream about there dad talking to them.

  8. Your mother is right... When someone dreams about the dead, the dead (God rest their soul) will never lie to you.  In this life we can do good or bad deeds, but when we die, our deeds stop.. so some of the deceased will come to family memebers in dreams and it's our duty to give money or something to charity in the name of God for them.  Because their time on this earth is finished!

      Next if there is blood in a dream the dream is nullified... Anyways make sure that you guys do something (well your mother should) because her mother (God rest her soul) was calling HER name.

  9. maybe theres some hidden secret in the family, and thats why your mom has horrific dreams and why she feels her mother isnt entirely resting...

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