
My mom's had fungus on her toe/hand nails for more than 10 years. Nothing works!!!! Any recommendations?

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A cure for fungus




  1. Vicks often works, and there is an over-the-counter med. called fungicure that is often successful.  Lamisil is a rather expensive Rx med that might work.  But I would try Vick's Vaporub first.  Good luck.

  2. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww maybe a foot transplant?

  3. ewwwwwww haha go to a doctor

  4. believe it or not simple garlic that you buy in a store.crush loads into a basin of water and soak as many times a day as you can.Or Daktarin from a drugstore if you want a chemical.Garlic is better.try and eat some too

  5. She needs to see a podiatrist, the dr can prescribe oral lamisil, you have to take it for a year or so to work.

  6. I researched this for my dad a week ago. Believe it or not bleach, vicks, peroxide, Listerine were the most common remedies i found for it. My dad started by filing his fingernail down, then he sumerged his finger in peroxide or listerine for 10-15 min while watching tv, after that he waited for it to dry and then applied vicks. the more times a day you do this the quicker it'll be gone. Yo can also apply bleach with a cotton ball to the area and then vicks. It works, my dads nail is looking better every day.

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