
My mom's making me cry!?

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I answered my mom in a LITTLE bit of a yell, and then asked her if someone could come over. She said yes at first, then she's like "NO!" and like 5 min. ago she said "I'm gonna show you what it's like to be treated like ****!" and then a little later she said "Why don't you take your pathetic *** to someone elses house?" and I would but I have anxiety (gee, wonder why?) and I don't know what to do!!!




  1. Aww...I'm sorry to hear that. That's  terrible. I don't know, Maybe you should try Dr. Phil??

  2. wow. you must have really pissed her off.  You will have to tell her you are sorry.  i am a mom and I tend to go off the deep end a lot, and I feel like c**p later, I apologize and try to not do it, but I get mad and say things that I don't think about first.  So, talk to her.  Tell her whats up in your life and that you want to get along.  

  3. tell her to kiss ur lil ***

  4. DONT EVER YELL AT UR MOM!! It could lead to nothing but trouble!!

    And u must've said something to get her cussing at u. She cant start cussing at u for no reason (unless she's drunk). But When ur mom yells at u, she's trying to teach u! Just go tell her ur sorry for the way u treated her..

    Always respect ur mother no matter what she's like....If u didn't have her what would u do?

  5. Your tone of voice could have just set her off.  I don't want to sound mean, but just get out of her hair for a while.  Maybe she is stressed.  It will pass.  If you are agoraphobic (like me) just find somewhere you can be alone or let her be alone for a while.  She might need some time to cool off.

  6. Sorry to hear that and it can't be nice for you. Adults do and say crazy things when they're stressed and when they calm down they realise what they've done. So for now just stay out of her way and when this is over tell her how much it upsets you. Hopefully she will see sense and never do it again.

  7. kill her, dismember her and string up her various body parts from the ceiling. That will end the problems with your mother.

  8. The pain in your life is like a giant ball of yarn.

    To focus on one thread (even the biggest one) is folly.

    If you can't snag that thread, then snag another- and later on, when the other things in your life have been dealt with...

    Maybe that one will just fall away at the very end of this ball of knots...who knows.

    I guess what I'm saying is, you can only deal with one thing at a time.

    This may not the thing you have any control over right now.

    But what CAN you do?


  10. apologize to her ..and ask her what you did wrong...if you don't get what you did wrong...

    for now..just go to your friends house..and don't invite them to your house..because your mom doesn't like yea

    hope i helped!

  11. Well I think you should both sit down and talk.  Explain your feelings and apoligize to her for your  yelling. Has this  happened often?  I do not think using inapprotiate language helps either.  Sounds like you are from a ingle parent home. Sometimes moms  have hard times adjusting so show a little compassion.  You never know whats really may be bothering her. Talk Talk Talk

  12. sounds like my mom. ( )

    my mom has such a short temper that its like her yelling voice IS her normal voice. my older sister says that if she talks in an even voice when talking to my mom during a fight it will drive her crazy but that she will look like the bad person when she starts screaming so try not to raise your voice and see what happens. sorry thats the best advice i can give =/

  13. Well talk to her and say "don't swear at me I'm your daughter! I'm trying to be nice and polite but your the one treating me like, well you know!"

  14. Ok.. Your mom is a btch.. Your point? Mine is too.

  15. Gee, Tough Love..Don't treat her bad.

    Just confront her in a friendly way.

  16. Times are tough right now and there is no way you can understand what kind of pressures your parents (Mom) are going through.    Parents aren’t perfect and sometimes the stresses of life (bills, spouse, and children, providing for the family) can overwhelm them.  Your mom needs your support. Apologize even if you did nothing wrong. Say sorry even if it wasn’t your fault.  Let your Mom cool off and deal with her pressures and things with correct themselves.  

  17. I suggest you go for a walk and let your mom cool down.  When you come back, apologize for yelling to her (as you were the one who started yelling in the first place) and ask her if you can help her out with anything -- she's obviously feeling stressed and she may be reflecting what she is receiving (at her job, etc).

    Just go for a walk -- you need some space apart from each other

  18. Youll be treated the way you treat others. Be respectfull with your mother

  19. Your mom and dad need the LORD in thier lives hon.I know that sounds silly and trite ,but EVERYONE has to deal with stress some way or another,with your mom, it is flying off the handle, with your dad it is getting drunk.

    With the LORD ,there is no feeling like knowing that you KNOW that you are right with HIM and that HE is going to see you through anything that comes along.

    Get into church, you may be able to help your family then,they need it.

    The United Pentecostal churches are great.Read John 3:1-5 and

    Acts 22:38.Then pray.

  20. its all right...just control your emotions until your older and have your own life where no one can rule over you...

  21. go to someone else house...she said you could  

  22. call child services

  23. Don't let it get to you. She is probably just stressed out or you caught her at the wrong time of the month. How often is she like this? She probably didn't even mean half the things she said. Cheer up!

  24. Jeez don't be a drama queen

  25. no matter what you did, your mother should possess the maturity and self-control to not call you names or yell at you. Depending on your mother's personality, I'd stay out of her way (and out of earshot of her angry words!) until she can calm down.  You should know that what she is saying is wrong, and you are a great person!  

    I'd tell her you're interested in getting an adult mentor so you can have a good example to follow.  ; )  see if she gets the hint that she's NOT being a good example!  Either way, she needs to know that you are her child, and you deserve her patience and understanding.  

  26. ohhh try to work things out with her!  

  27. well slowly go up to her and see why she wont let you but tell her that you don't want to fight because when you fight it gives you anxiety.  then you should ask if you could have a friend over tomorrow (but don't ask her to have a friend over that night because she will get even more upset, trust me!!) and talk to her about the current situation.  oh and ask your parents if you can do anything around the house or help them in any way to produce less stress

    if you have any more problems then just email me!!!

  28. Awwww...ok now I understand your situation a little bit better.  You've got a lot going on for a 10 year old to understand and try to deal with.  I give you credit for trying to understand your moms point of view.  She has a lot on her plate and I think might be taking some of her frustration out on you which isn't right.

    Your mom is feeling the stress of everything.  After you yelling at her was not a good time to ask her if a friend could come over.  I think if you waited and let your mom have some breathing room, she might come around to letting your friend come over.

    And even though your grandma was mean that was still your mom's mother and she probably is upset about her passing away.  So she has to deal with your dad being an alchoholic AND her mom dying.  I know your mom shouldn't take things out on you but I think that's what's happening and why she acts the way she does.

    I wish you the best of luck and my thoughts and best wishes are with you.  Give your mom a break and try not to yell at her about things.  If you can maybe try asking another day when you don't yell at your mom about something.  Maybe then she'll let your friend come over.  

    Your mom also might be thinking she'll have to take care of you AND your friend if they come to visit.  Try and tell your mom that you and your friend won't cause any extra work for her to do.  Maybe this would help too.  Good luck to you!

  29. I know exacly how you feel...Mine is like that too. I would want to tell her to fukc off and then I would leave, but the right thing to do is to apoligize and try to work things out. Its hard to not talk to your mom, you want to get along, but sometimes it seems imposible! I know! But take it one day at a time and try to tollerate one another. Just remember that you only get one mom, appreciate her...♥

  30. Well, why don't you go to someone else's house?  It sounds like your mom doesn't want you around.

  31. Tell your mom you are sorry for the way you acted and you will try not to act like that in the future.  Hug her and tell her you love her.  

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