
My mom's upset at me=[. Am I wrong?

by  |  earlier

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Today is my brother's 15th birthday and my gift for him is a birthday card with $15 in it. I haven't given it to him yet, and my mom knows that. So half an hour ago she comes in from work and apparently she has no cash on her and she wants to borrow $5 from me. The only money she knows I have is that $15 for my brother. She says, "Just give him $10 and give me the $5. Do you mind?" For the first time in my life I say "Yes Mom, I kinda do mind, its my brother's birthday money." And she gets upset and yells at me. Was I wrong? Should I just give her the $5?




  1. No nothing was wrong with your choice. That was very brave of you to stand up to your mother. I respect you very much for that =)

  2. I think she just feels upset and embarrassed she doesnt have a gift. I would have just given your brother the money saying 5 was from her.

  3. no you was not wrong the 15 dollors is for you brothers birthday. so let her be mad all she wants to.

  4. Money is a horrible thing to fight over.. yes the money is for your brother's birthday but what you should of found out is what she needed the money for. What if she needed for medicine, or gas for work the next day..

    money is paper, yes it makes life easier but is your life easier because you gave your brother 15 dollars instead of 10...

    think about it !!!

  5. No, you weren't wrong.

    she can probably go to the ATM or the grocery store and get the cash she needs....

  6. no your not wrong..thats messed up...i would have done the same

    please please answer mine!;...

  7. no, you are not wrong.

    your mom should have understood that it was the only money you had, and should be thankful that you share it with your brother.

  8. that's a hard one honey... As mother i know that there has been times my kids have more money them i do.. with bills and all .. how ever they have no jobs .. besides the work they do around the house.. they are paid by ME. if this is your hard earned money well then you have the right to say NO.. dose your mom ever help you out with money and things you need when you don't have it?? it's cool that you planed ahead for your brother birthday!! and you sound like a mature young lady.. so with that go with what you feel is right .. cause it is your money.. mom could always give your brother an " I owe U" .. or can let mom sign the card and say its from both of you and u can get the i owe u from your mom..cause u if do have to live with her.. and it could get ugly..

  9. no did nothing wrong your money  you can do wat ever u want with it

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