
My mom always gets mad when my younger brother isn't invited to go somewhere with MY friends!?

by  |  earlier

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My younger brother ALWAYS has to come hang out with me

and my friends, not just when they're at my house [which i guess is understandable] but like if i'm going to a theme park or water park, he HAS to go, or i can't go.

Theres a two year difference.

Are your parents like this?

btw, he has his own friends.




  1. well why dont you talk to your mom about it say " mom listen i love my younger bro to death but i really want to hang out with my friends alone, he has his own friends and i dont bother him. can he not come with me anymore, please?" or something like that... i am sure she will under stand. xoxo <3

  2. my friend has the some problem  she always hangs with us she isnt the only one annoyed with it i am too and so are your friends probably

  3. yeah i would hate that too, but your mom probably just  wants some alone time. sit her down and tell her how you feel about the situation and how it bothers you. maybe she will understand and let off a little bit

  4. Aww that sucks..

    Talk to your parents or your brother about it.

    Love your avatar btw [x

  5. Does he want to come?  Make it not fun for him.  Because if not you could take him show him its not fun then get him to tell your mom its not fun for him,

  6. well just tell your mom that you wanna be alone with your friends and even though you love your little brother you don't like the idea of your brother always being with you and your friends. tell her that if its at home you don't mind but when you make plans with your friends they don't include your lil bro. tell her their YOUR friends NOT YOU AND YOUR BROTHER'S friends. then suggest that he try hanging out with HIS own friends and point out that he probably wouldn't want you there

  7. I totally understand where you're coming from. You need to work together with your brother to convince your mom that they are your friends, not his. He needs to draw the line that he has his friends and you have yours clearly for your mom so that she understands why he isn't invited to go places with your crowd and vise versa. If that doesn't work you can always convince your brother to tell your mom he doesn't like your friends and then she probably won't force him to hang with you. Also, you should bring it to your mom's attention that just because you are the older sibiling doesn't mean you were born with the words free babysitter accross your forehead!!!

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