
My mom always think I have "too much fun" with my friends. What the h**l?

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My mom has this policy against me that I am only allowed to "have fun with friends" like maybe two times a week, three if she's in a good mood. So far this week, I went to a friend's birthday slumber party, and went to my boyfriend's house yesterday.

I asked my mom if I can go to a family resturant with two of my friends, and she's all "You had too much fun this week, young lady!"

WTF? I'm not a selfish teenager, I do what she says, and she always finds a way to complain something about me. I feel like Cinderella and when I want to go out, she's like, "No, you're not allowed even though you did everything. Now polish my shoes with your tongue!"

I try and be nice to my mom, but at the end of the day, she talks **** about me to my dad. It's never enough till I bleed, it seems.

I'm scared of asking my mom if tommorow she can allow my boyfriend over because she'll use the whole, "Oh you didn't went to the gym with me yesterday, so why should I let you hang out with him?!?"





  1. Tell her if she wants to have any relationship with you at all then she should change her ways because you will drift away from her and have no desire to even be around her.

  2. Tell her you need freedom, which you do. Ask her if there's any jobs she would like you to do around the house, do them, then ask to go out. You do something for her, she does something for you. It's a two way street.

    Make sure you put in time to be with her. Ask her if the two of you could go out sometime or do something together. Perhaps she's afraid of losing you to your friends. Remember, in her eyes, you're still her baby. It's her instint to protect you. However, I agree, she is taking it too far. So, spend some time together doing things, then ask to go out with friends.

    Good luck!


  3. ur momy is a meany... :(

  4. Hmmm. Sounds like your Mom is having a hard time letting you go & is scared she is being replaced with your friends/boyfriend. She knows you are having fun with them & may be secretly alittle jealous b/c she wants to have fun like that with you. As a mom with 2 teens, I can tell you I like to see them sometimes myself. They go to the gym, grocery store, play cards, etc with me, & I miss it when school starts up again. Sometimes parents want to see their kids w/o the boyfriend or friends...b/c we love them & know they will be gone soon enough. Try doing some one on one things with your mom & talking to her CALMLY about it. Maybe if she feels she hasn't "lost you" & knows you love her, she will ease up some.(she does sound alittle excessive). Good luck, & try to keep the lines of communication open with her.

  5. Well, I know parents can be difficult- and it seems as though what they say makes no sense- but maybe there is some reason behind what she says that she is just not sharing with you.

    Maybe she says you already had too much fun when she just really means that she wants you to be home some nights to have some study time or family time. I bet if you spend one night a week with her/ your family- do your homework when you get home and try to keep your grades up she maybe would ease up a little.

    Maybe before you ask her to do something you should say- " I have my homework done and no tests tomorow, Could I go out if I spend (another) night studying.?"  Or maybe just ask her what you could do that would make her feel more comfortable with you going out more often.

    I can remember when I was in H.S. I loved to spend time with my bf and etc. Some times I wouldn't do my homework - I got pretty good grades and whatever- but when I went to college and could have gotten more scholarships ($) for school if my grades were just a little better- I would have put a little more effort into it - I regreted that I didn't take school just a little more seriously.

    Plus, I remember thinking- at the time - that my bf was the best thing ever- and I wanted to spend all my time with him- now looking back he was a jerk and I wasted a lot of my time on him.

    It's hard to believe - but now that I am older - I look back and realise there were a lot of things I should have done different. My advice: try to do well in school- have fun with your friends- don't get tied down with one boy for too long and get involved with activities like volunteering or clubs or sports-  and as for your mom making comments about your hair or clothes- sometimes parents are just weirdtry not to let little comments get under your skin- sometimes parents just get a little stressed out and say dumb stuff. Your hair and clothes are your personal form of expression. Parents rarely agree with that stuff :) Style now is probally a lot different now then when she was in school. Good luck to you - hope this was helpful :)

  6. Stop being the whiny teenager she complains about.

    Learn to ask her what she'd like done around the house, do it, and THEN ask if you can do stuff with your friends.  If you're helping out just as much as going out there shouldn't be a problem.

  7. assure your mom that you will have NO fun whatsoever with your friends . lol jeez.

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