
My mom and I really look alike. so when someone compliments me, my mom always says " oh you should've seen me

by  |  earlier

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when i was younger...why does she do that?




  1. Like most women, your mother like attention and misses her youthful appearance. You will go through this when you get older and start sagging and getting wrinkles in places. There may also be subconcious feelings of jealousy or envy. This actually normal and is the underlining cause of mother-daugher feuds. This conflict is what causes daughters to be daddy's girls and sons to be mama's boys.

  2. She does that because she wishes she still looked like you, and/or she thinks she looked better than you do when she was younger.

  3. As ur, mom is also still young,she may say problem, tell ur mom that u r not comfortable with her answer and she will, change..small adjustment for her...for her lovely darling....

  4. Just same and chime in "And here I was thinking we where just twins born during different months, days and years." smile, thank the person for their gracious compliments and go about your conversation or business.

  5. depends how she says and how often she says it.


    she might be proud that you're as pretty as her


    as she gets older, shes  getting insecure about herself and is trying to...relive the older ages?

    hehe. don't worry--her beauty is in the past if she says you SHOULDVE seen me. think about it. you're the beauty queen now, dont let her get your down. :)


    - <3

  6. Don't misinterpret her.  She's just happy and proud to be your mother.  When you get old and have a daughter who looks just like you, you will be so happy too.

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