
My mom and grandmother think I'm crazy?

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I do just what every other teenager would do. I laughed, and still laugh but it's getting rubbish.... My mom and grandma think I'm crazy just for changing my style a bit. How can I make them accept my decision?

Do YOU think it's a wrong choice?


NOW (18)




  1. well first of all in the after pic u r wearing way too much makeup i don't agree with them that ur crazy i say that ur a little scary with all that makeup on and a little S****y by taking a picture of yourself and showing ''more than u need to''if u catch my drift.

  2. I think that when someone changes their style, they want a change, or something new. Most changes are good, and are good for a person. I think as long as you're not making the style inappropriate, then I don't think its a wrong choice!

  3. You are so cute now. They are just used to who you used to be. When i died my hair brown my grandma started crying and she gets sad everytime she see's me. But its who you want to be and what you want to look like. You will always be their little baby girl, you just changed a bit and they have to get used to it

  4. I'm not sure this is really you - but you look awesome in your before pics and very S****y in the after. My daughter is only 2, but the day will never come where she is under my roof wearing that kind of makeup and showing off her chest that way.... I question the fakeness due to the chest size from both pics.

    Why do girls try so hard to change? You can be you with your own style without looking like a freak. I was very unique and different yet normal in high school, and I had a ton of friends and was involved in everything....

    I hope you can just be comfortable with yourself.

  5. well you were fine the way you were before the change. but you may just be expressing yourself or going through a phase. but if it's just the way you dress then not really. but i can understand their concern, for the long run. they may be scared that if you keep this up when your older that you may never be able to get a good job or you might be mixed up in the wrong crowd. but you can't judge a book by it's cover. so if this is how you want to dress right now then so be it.

  6. i like the way you look when you were 17 better. please forgive me but at 18 you look kind  of permiscuous and S****y. but you don't look bad. hey if that is your thing then go for it! butthere was nothing wrong with you look at first. and een though your make up is HEAVY it is still applied NICE. YEH YOUR CRAZY BUT WHAT 18YR OLD ISN'T? HAVE FUN WHILE YOU CAN AND TELL YOU MOM AND GRANDMA DON'T WORRY B/C YOUR LOOK WILL CHANGE SOON!

  7. Hey hun! I don't think your crazy. I just think your mom and and Gma are having a hard time of accepting the changes that you made. I don't see anything wrong with it. But your loved might becuase the look you had before your change is what they where all used too. Its going to take some time with your family I think it is great that you are exspressing your personality. Hoped I helped.

  8. holy c**p. before you looked so beautiful, and after, well i dont know what to say about that. i really dont know why you changed. but i can say, that before you were very pretty, and if i were you, i think i would have stuck with the origianal you, there must be some reason you changed?

  9. Girl - I LOVE your style!  You look so pretty but definitely edgy too.  All I can say is that the older generations have always disliked the look of the younger generations for as far back as forever, so don't fret, they'll get over it.

  10. You have the right to change your style, which has become more 'scene' and looks as though you feel confident in that way! [second pic] Your Mom and Grandmom might feel concerned but they should rest assured - many teens wish to experiment until they find a way of dressing that matches their feelings and personality.

  11. who cares what other people think?  its you that has to live with yourself at the end of the day.  As long as youre happy and not breaking laws or harming urself (or anyone else) do what ever you want.

    I started wearing almost all black when I was 13, my sister kept telling me i was just in a phaze and blah blah well im 27 now.  I dont wear purely all black, but id say my clothing is 75% black.  14 years later..I'd say its not a phaze.  It's something I enjoy and feel comfortable in.  Just dont limit urself to only doing certain things because of a style though.  Do what feels right for you :)

    btw i think u look adorable in ur 2nd pic hehe (though i do wanna pop ur bubble :P)

  12. A BIT!!!!!!!!

    okay thats wayyyyyy more than a bit of change.

    I mean i guess it's a little better but its too overboard

    Maybe try and lessen it up a bit and it'll look nice.

    The make-up is good but i don't like the eyes cause its too S****y.

    The shirt is too s**t but you can make it look good girl and bad girl kinda style at the same time

    Is it for the guys that you changed look nicer but you do look really S****y sorry

    I say..change a bit and make it a little less of that and yes thats all

  13. They probably just aren't used to seeing you or anyone else dress like that. Just act like the same person that you've always been, and I'm sure they'll get over it.

    Maybe they also don't like that your b*****s are hanging out in the second picture. Do you wear shirts like that in public? Maybe that's what they have a problem with.

  14. if youever get into an argument just scream a hem that everybody changes their style but your personality is the same.

    i dont think its wrong its great that youre exploring different styles and scenes but if you want your mom and gma to like it you should definitely show them the less drastic side of your kinda style.

  15. if you need an audience of millions to tell you that you are "normal" then you are indeed crazy.  Be you - who cares what people think, but always remember that your physical appearance is a visual business card.  If you meet someone, they will judge you for the first 10 minutes not by your brain but by your appearance.  Good luck.

  16. I think you're just expressing yourself. I may only be 13 but I know the teenage years are the hardest time of a person's life. They'll get over it. You can't make them accept it, but you're just expressing yourself in a different way. I don't see anything wrong with it. Don't let them get you down.

  17. You're not crazy, you're just looking for attention in a way that will break your heart. You're going to meet all the boys that love to break hearts and think of girls as c**p. I feel sorry for you. You can still look hot without looking desperate.

  18. The hair cut's cute, but what you're wearing in the after picture is really S****y. Sorry, but, it's true. Could, you try wearing something that covered those girls up that was still edgy but sophisticated. You are eighteen, you make the choice.

  19. I think your before wasn't bad at all, but your after picture is kinda too showy(if you know what I mean). If I were you, I wouldn't put after picture on the net(people can do weird things these days). But besides that I like your new hair better than before and I like the litte ribbon, but I think it's kinda too much eye makeup

  20. i dont think it's wrong, but i think it is something you will grow out of... it makes you look younger, which you wont' always want.  they love you, they will accept you, but dont give them a reason to hate your style... dont let it change your attitude or ambitions... (dont fall into a worser crowd or anything)  but you have to do/experiment with things bc you are still learning who you are.

  21. well it is a dramitic change .... u use to b clean and preppy now ur very idk what ever u may call that ......,... its like somthing id see on americas next top model not going to tell you which is right and which is wrong .....that is for u to find out u are very artistic id like to k y ,,,,,,,,b4 you were normal ....a normal teen  but as long as u express ur self in a way that makes you happy then they should be happy ,......... im 14 i kinda aunderstand

  22. Might wanna put those b***s back in your shirt.....Im 23 and I didnt do that big of a change but everyone is different....theres a difference in changing style and going from cute to trashy.  Im not saying your not a cute girl but your b***s hanging out of your shirt is a little trashy.  Cute makeup tho.  You just changed your hair, and makeup really and started wearing clothes that show a ltitle more than they should.  It doesnt make you crazy but you would probably get a little more respect by covering up a little!

  23. Maybe they are worried that you have sexualized yourself in such a way.

    I think it's ok to change your style...but I can see why they think your crazy. Lol.

    Don't get me wrong...dress how you feel, but always be ready for different reactions...and attentions...

  24. Changing your appearance may take some adjusting to for those around you no matter how different.

    In your case you went from one extreme to another and that could be hard for them to understand.

    I would just explain to them that today's styles are forever changing and so are you & that you want to test out the styles you like.

    I think you look great in both styles and you should choose which one fits you the best.

  25. They're probably reacting just like any other mom and gramma. This was a drastic change and you went from looking completely innocent to not so much. The best thing I can say is try and be patient and allow them time to adjust to the new you.

  26. I think you were really pretty before, but now you look trashy. You shouldn't have changed your style, you were beautiful. And there is WAY too much makeup on your face in the "now" pic. The punk look is really intimidating to non-punks, like myself.

  27. Parents are not always going to agree with kids.  As for your choice, it depends on what message you're trying to send.  If you're just out there for fun and s*x, it's a cute look.  But, if you want to have seriouse relationships, have people talk in a decent way about you, or have someone think you're the kind of girl who can meet his mother...then, no, it's not a good look.

    How about something in the middle?

  28. I actually think you look better before. You had natural beauty, you looked so elegant. Now (no offense) but you look like you're trying to hard to be scene. You look FAR more approachable before. But, hey. Who cares what I think, right? As long as you're happy, you like how you look and you've still got the same personality, what difference does it make? You should do what YOU wan to do, no what any of us think. You're mum and grandmother are probably just alittle taken aback by the extreme change.

    Do what you want to do, not anybody. We're all unique for a reason.


  29. I don't think it's a wrong choice. They probably just don't understand why you changed your style. But you are old enough to make the decisions about the style you have. Just explain to them that it makes you feel good and that you like it. You have a right to personal expression.

  30. you can't make them accept it, just continue being you and they will realize your style doesn't change your personality except you do look a little trashy sorry but the truth hurts because you before is like the little nice girl and the next is like I am headed to the strip club

  31. I think its cool that you changed your style as long as you feel comfortable with it then theres nothing wrong. Tell your mom and grandma that its what you want and that nothing they can do will make any difference, tell them that its not their decision what you dress like as long as it is appropriate and how would they like it if you controlled what they looked like.

    Your obviously not crazy, its just the look you want

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