Not trying to sound like a hysterical teenage girl but I'm kinda freaking out.... My mom has only been dating Brian for about 2 months.... She swore, after my dad, that she would never be married again... I like Brian because he makes her happy and he treats my brother(8) and sister(6) very well.... My mom has three kids already and Brian has one.... but his son's mom took of with him when he was 11 and they haven't seen each other in about 6 years....
But anyway, my mom told me yesterday that she and Brian want another child... her tubes are tied so it won't just happen on it's own... They would have to go to the doctor or adopt... and I'm not against either but he thinks he knows my mom but he doesn't... I'm afraid that he would leave and leave her a single parent again... I can't tell her that... it would crush her...
How do I tell her that I don't think it's a good idea without hurting her?
Not really sure which category this should be in.