
My mom and step-dad are hosting my wedding but I'm closer with my real dad. How can I acknowledge my step dad?

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My real dad has always been there for me and is a very important part of my life, so there is no question that it would be him who I would like to walk me down the aisle. However, I am worried about hurting my step-father's feelings. My step-father has been married to my mom since I was 17 and I am 24 now. We have been cordial but the relationship has always been somewhat superficial and I have never really felt that close to him. Does anyone have any ideas of what I can do to show my appreciation for my step-dad?




  1. Maybe at the reception you can have some sort of prjection of pictures and have him be in them.  Also, not only can you dance with your new man and dad but your step-dad. Pick a song you know he would really like

    Make sure he gets a flower to wear if he wears a tux.

    Write a very nice card or ask him out for a date and just spend some time with him

    It is very mature of you to want to do something with him--close or not.  I know he will be thankful for anything and happy for your special day.

    Good luck and congrats!!!!

  2. The best way is to satisfy both ur real dad and step dad, u must involve both of them, they bot deserve this honour. dont hurt anyone in this process.

  3. split the distance

  4. you can do some 'special' little dances on the dance floor and of course any slide show to include them both.  but when it comes to the aisle,  why not consider what my daughter did.  like the mature, self sufficient and independent young lady she was, she walked herself down the aisle.  no help.  everyone could see her dress easily, and the sense of pride was something everyone felt.  especially the parents!  please consider and have a lovely day.

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