
My mom ate what she thought was a blueberry from our backyard...

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She picked it off a bush after multiple people telling her it was not edible.

The leaves are a bit pointy on the sides and a deep green color. The berries are not deep blue like blueberries, but are chalky looking.

Anyone have any reference to what this plant is called?




  1. Is this the plant?

    Or like this?

  2. Expect black and blue berries to be edible more often than red berries. White berries are the least likely to be edible. Of course, there are some inedible black berries and edible red berries.

    Learn to identify berries that are known to be poisonous, including Holly, Mistletoe, Jasmine, Yew, Lantana, Moonseed, Nightshade, Daphne, Castor Oil, Boston Ivy, English Ivy, Virginia Creeper and Privot.

    The chalky outer skin only indicates that the berries are fresh.  Without knowing where you are, it is hard to determine what kind of berry she ate.  A lot of edible berries are wild.  Please google berries and include your area and I bet you will find what you are looking for.  

  3. well, i dont think worrying about one kind of plant is going to make her feel any better, if she got sick. yuo could just look around on plant websites, but if she gets sick take her to a doctor. like the oter people said, its chalky bc it is ripe(blueberries do that when they are ready). hope you find out. it could be a gooseberry tree..or maybe mullberry. i do not know. you should take it out asap if she gets sick.. i think if you see birds or other animals eat them, then she probably wont get sick, cause animals usually know which they can eat or which they can. birds shy away from stuff that they know is poisonous, so see if anything eats them. but im betting money that she wont get sick from eating just one small wild berry.

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