
My mom called me a......

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a f*ck!ng brat

Is it normal for moms to do that?




  1. UM NO! Maybe a brat, but not a f-ing need to talk to your dad or call child protection. Answer my question plz!!!!;...

  2. WoW that is harsh, and it is not normal for anyone to use that word in everyday conversation.

    I am sure that she did not mean to say the f word but sometimes Moms and other people just run out of patience and words slip. If you cross the line with her again now you know what your limit is and you will never do the same think that set her off and she probably never come to her wits end again.

    Wits = words

  3. Even if you were being one, she shouldn't speak to you like that. Try telling her that you didn't like the way she spoke to you when she cools down in a nice way and give her a little guilt trip. She might not do it again.

  4. Yea, its normal.  Its really no big deal  

  5. Moms do things that, sometimes they regret. While my Mom doesn't curse, a couple of weeks ago i told my mom that the only reason that my father comes home was to f*ck her and my Mom slapped me. It was a jerk reaction, and i know I deserved it, and I also know that i didnt deserve the apology that she gave me later, but i think that yours is kinda the same thing, i think that your mom let it slip....she probably did if you were doing something that was makeing her angry and if she doesnt usaually say things like will most likely get better after a bit

  6. No parent will ever ever in their right minds call their child a ....... brat!

    So that means...OMG its THAT time...PMS!!! Ahhhhhhhh! I sure she loves you (I think) lol

    My mom called me a thick sh@t 2day just cos I couldnt hear her on the phone.

    Mom's. What can ya do?

  7. depends on the situation (more or less).

    if you commited something bad or un-just, then yes

    but if your just going along in life doing nothing wrong to provoke your mother then no, its not right for her to call you "a F*ck!ng brat"

  8. I can't say that I ever called my kids a f*cking anything but that doesn't mean I haven't thought it.

  9. Well, depends on the parent. My parents don't curse. If you're mom does it regularly, no big deal. She's just PO'd. If she never does...well, you're in trouble.  

  10. she is not a mom she is a "mom" I feel sorry for you.

  11. It is mom's say a lot of things that can be hurting, and most of the time they don't mean what they say depending on what's troubling them.

  12. No, and i'm sorry to hear that =(

  13. Trust me, my mother has called me much worse. She doesnt mean it, unless you are one, then she does.

  14. When parents get mad, they seem to say things they really don't mean. Depending on what you have done, the yelling and cussing will be different . Parents cuss all the time. Its normal.

  15. it depends on the parent

    my mother does only when she is HORRIBLY mad but not to often

    my father doesn't

    so maybe it is for someone

    and isn't for someone else

  16. If thats all my mom called me I would be happy.

  17. thats mean .. my mom never cusses at me

  18. i mean nope shes never said that

    maybe you were acting like a f***ing brat

  19. sometimes even mums say things they regret. she probably just had a bad day. but make sure you don't act like a brat...

  20. Yes.  Don't worry about that.  She probably loves you!!!  But as a mother....well......she has lots of responsibility and sometimes things get out of don't worry.  That was the past...this is now.....

  21. yeah its normal..and u probally are a ******* brat! ; )

  22. Well, it happens, but it's because you've done something wrong and she doesn't know how to discipline you.

  23. Well, you must have been acting like one.

  24. if there mad, but for a mom to say that

    you most likely are , even if you dont want to admit it  

  25. Maybe,

    I mean, if she's mad at you.

    Don't worry, she still loves you(:

  26. normal shouldnt be in anyones vocab. there is no such thing as normal. i believe that moms can say plenty out of anger. i dont think its terrible, but it shouldnt happen on a regular basis. my friends mom has said a lot worse that doesnt involve mean names.  

  27. Wow.  That wasn't very nice.  Maybe she just has a quick temper and spoke before she thought.  Even if you are a brat it wasn't nice of her to say.  My daughter is 10 and I try not to lose my temper with her.  A lot of times we say things we don't mean.  My mom used to say a lot worse to me.  I don't talk to her anymore.  Ask her why she said that and let her know that she really hurt your feelings.

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