
My mom can't seem to say "bye" first, EVER, anyone else's mom do this??

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When our phone conversation is winding down, and there are obvious signs that the conversation is over, my mom can't seem to say the word, "bye" before I do. It's not a huge deal, but we can literally say, "Ok" ... "ok" ... "Ok" ... "ok" ... "Ok" ... back and forth and back and forth FOREVER, or just sit there and awkwardly say nothing til I say "bye", she doesn't seem to mind at all! I can't bring this up with her because she's very sensitive and I don't want to hurt her feelings. Anyone else have this pet peeve?




  1. People are sometimes kind of funny.  Maybe your mom just wants to spend as much time with you on the phone as she can get.  Or maybe she just wants to make darn sure you've got nothing left to say.

    If your mom has a good sense of humor, you can point it out in a lighthearted kind of way, so you can both laugh about it.  But if you think it might hurt her feelings, then don't bring it up.  It's a minor irritation for you, which we all have to endure with our loved ones.

    My pet peeve with my wife was when she would start sneezing during a conversation.  When she starts a sneezing fit, she will sneeze about 20 times in a row, and I have to wait for her to finish to continue the conversation.  When I realized what a silly thing that was to be irritated by, I just decided when she starts to sneeze to remember how much I love her.  I stopped feeling irritated, and started feeling thankful for having a loving, healthy wife.  Maybe you can do something like this during your phone conversations with your mother.

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