
My mom caught me shaving my private area. I thought I locked the door, but I guess I didn't. What should I do?

by  |  earlier

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i'm her son.




  1. Say it's so your bikini doesn't bunch down there and look silly. Unless she asks, don't worry about it :)

  2. Don't do anything, ignore it.

  3. I don't get it ...??  Are you in trouble or something?

  4. LOL

    Everyone has an embarrassing naked moment!!

    Are you in trouble for doing that?I think if I was a mom and caught my teenage daughter doing that I would be ticked because why would she need to if no one is looking at it right?  Well...just tell her the hair is uncomfortable...tell her it gets stuck to your pad and you hate it so you shaved it or something along those lines.  Tell her its nothing sexual the hair is just annoying.

    EDIT:  Oh, well why are you shaving down there if you are a boy?  Well, just say you shaved it for sports or better yet, say you get the hair caught in your zipper so you thought it would be better to get rid of it.

  5. i doubt she even cares, just ignore it and move on.

  6. There is nothing to do. So what you were shaving your private area. That's as natural as having a period. I understand you would be embarrassed but you shouldn't have to make excuses for what you were doing. I would leave the topic alone and not mention it. Next time make sure the doors locked and double check it just to make sure.

  7. Well, finish shaving it!  It would stupid only half shaved!

  8. why would u want to shave down there if ur a guy??? its not like anyone would see it or anything anyways! now i see why u were asking the question.....i've never heard of a GUY shaving there before!

  9. is she mad at you? what??

  10. lol she should apologize to you


  12. don't brush it off. i'm sure she's been there before. it's no big deal. if she brings it up, talk to her about it, but if she doesn't, act like nothing happened. i'm sure she's embarrased too.

  13. keep shaving buddy:P

  14. shave it all off.

  15. Don't do anything. It's embarassing but it's not such a big deal

  16. your a guy.....

  17. nothing im sure she doesnt mind if she makes a big deal just say when your on your period it was getting hard to clean down there or something

  18. Maybe say something like "I'm sorry if that was as embarrassing to you as it was for me, I thought I locked the door".  If she has any questions, be honest with her.

  19. Continue shaving thats all it is who cares?

  20. Im sure shes happy lmao

  21. did she yell or something?

  22. Nothin...

    I'm sure ur mom won't mind, and if she does say anything well just say u prefer it shaved no big deal

  23. Nothings wrong, just dont mention it im sure it'll go away haha. Thats kind of funny tho....scary and icky but funny. Sorriez that happened to you.

  24. haha, idk, but thanks for a good laugh!


  25. Lol are you introuble? That sucks... pretend like it never happened? lmfao. I'm sorry but I'm having a really hard time taking this seriously lol

  26. There's nothing wrong with keeping up with hygiene practices. I understand that you're a bit embarrased, but o well. as long as she's ok with it, then there's nothing much to do but finish up.....

  27. it is no big deal unless you are like 11 years old and she doesn't want you shaving till your like 15 some moms are like that!lol just tell her that is 2008 not 1970 when hair is in!lol i have four boys and the three oldest shave down there 13,16,17 they say they sweat alot and so they feel cleaner when there is no hair! i don't care it is there body if they want to be hairless than it is there choice:)

  28. what did she expect you to stay hairy??

    oh my god I didnt know you where a boy should act like nothing happened....or tell her that you are embarrased.

  29. Your mom shouldn't be mad, unless you are, like, 12.

    If your that young, i'm sorry, but i don't know what to say.

    If your alot older, just ignore it, unless she's mad about it.

    then talk to her about why you were shaving down there.

    i know it sounds hard, but it really isn't.

    best of luck!

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