
My mom doesn't aprove of my vegan lifestyle! HELP!?

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Help! im 13 year old dietary vegan and my mom doesn't aprove of my vegan lifestyle. I have to make all of my own meals and some times we don't have the right ingredients. I convienceded her to buy my soymilk, but how do i get her to support me?




  1. Okay reality time here. First, Veganism is not natural, it is a personal, moral choice. You are only 13, quite frankly you're not old enough to really make this choice. And while we're on the subject, you also still a minor and under your parent's care. So accept that for now. You can eat less meat than you used to, and can make your own food as much as possible. But until you actually have the means to do it yourself, you'll have to accep the limits of the household.

    Good luck.

  2. Speak to her in an adult way and explain your reasoning behind becoming a vegan. Ask her if she'll support you with your choice and help you with the right ingredients at shopping time.

    It's your choice what you put in your mouth at the end of the day and i'm sure your mum loves you enough to accept this if you explain it properly and show her sites etc that would sort out the nutritional worries she may have.

  3. I am sorry that your mom isn't supporting your vegan lifestyle.  Even if she doesn't agree with it she should help you if it is something that you really want to do.  She should want you to be as healthy as you can be.  Talk to her and let her know why it is so important to you.  At 13 she shouldn't be making you make all of your own meals.  People think that vegans can't be healthy.  People think that eating meat and eggs and drinking milk is healthy.  I know different because I have been a vegan for three years.  I am in my 30s so I don't have to answer to anyone.  It is harder for you because you are still a kid.  I think that your mom is probably not supporting you because she wants you to eat meat and eggs and drink milk just like she does.  She is probably hoping that if she makes it hard for you that you will cave.  Show her that you are serious about it.  Go food shopping with her and make sure that she gets all the things that you need.  Stock up so that you don't run out of things before the next food shopping trip.  Nutritionally you are at such a crucial age.  Please do your research.  Go on line and look at the different sites and get a book on being a vegan.  Make sure that your diet is very balanced.  I know, I sound like a worried mom but I am.  I have two kids of my own.  My son will be 13 later this year.  The most important things in your diet are protein and calcium.  Soy milk is a great choice.  I am allergic to soy so I drink rice milk.  It is delicious.  It has calcium, vitamin D, and B-12.  You need to be good to your body.  You need calcium for your bones.  You need for your body to be healthy because I am sure that down the road in 15 or 20 years you will want children.  So just take really good care of yourself.  Don't worry about your mom's approval.  Just let her know how important it is to you and that you would really appreciate her help and support.  Also, it is cheap to be a vegan.  It doesn't have to be expensive.  I think that meat, eggs, and milk are expensive.  So you save money being a vegan.  Tell her to go to and watch the video.  Then she will think twice about eating milk and eggs and drinking milk.

  4. Maybe she thinks she has to buy all sorts of expensive organic ingredients.  If that's the case, she's annoyed because you aren't old enought to get a job to buy your own food.  I agree that you have to make your own meals but it's irresponsible for you to blame her when the ingredients aren't there.  She thinks you should be grateful for what you have.

    If I were you, I would come up with a meal plan that involves normal ingredients that she already buys, and maybe she could just buy more of it for you, like extra veggies and rice or something.  She doen't need to buy organic foods. I don't know if you can get a job delivering papers or not, but you show her some independance by buying your own food.  That'll make her respect you and your decision (s) now and in the future.  If you just expect her to support you by buying you whatever you want, that won't happen.  We all have to be responsible for our own actions and decisions.  She will support you mentally and emotionally when you show you can support your own decision.

  5. I don't know if you can make some see your point of view if they really don't want too.  I would sit down with her and explain the reason for your choice of lifestlye but it really come down to who buys the food and unless you do you might be out of luck!!

    have a vegan day!!!


  6. You did not mention why she doesn't approve of your lifestyle so I don't know what the issue is, health, cost, or whatever. . However, i do know that as a minor, your options are limited because of the fact that your parents /mother has absolute authority over you. Maybe you can privide more details?

  7. you should make a list of all the reasons why you want/like to be a vegan and how it makes you feel. then you should do research and find a list of positives for being a vegan and sit down and discuss this. If you hit them with a bunch of positives they will be more likely to respect your wishes

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