
My mom doesn't believe me? :(?

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My mom was using my computer today and she said she found something on a search engine that said 'Hollywood s*x' She came to me and told me about it, and I know nothing about this. I have never even looked this up, and when I asked where she found, she couldn't find it again. I honestly don't look this stuff up but she doesn't believe me. When she asked me again (even though I didnt do it previously!) and I said no she said I was lying. And then she said if she ever catches me on that stuff again she won't trust me again. I think she might of saw something else (she is no computer wiz so it could be) and made a mistake. Please help I am really upset about this. :( How can I get her to believe me?




  1. since your mom isnt a computer wiz you and tell and show her your history to show proive that you never went or go to those kind of websites. tell her that there are websites that activate those such pop ups as a virus. so hopefully she'll believe you after you show proof

  2. i think she just saw something like a pop up or something

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