
My mom doesn't believe that I could have ADHD. How can I convince her?

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My stepmother (who is a child and adolescent psychiatrist) thinks that I might have ADHD. Since she is my stepmother, she can't treat me, and she must recommend me to another doctor. But to do that, my mom has to cooperate. But she doesn't think I have ADHD. She thinks everything I do is just part of my personality, and that someone couldn't be 15 years old and have an undiagnosed case of ADHD. I think some of it has do with my mom not liking my stepmother very much, too.

My mom denying the possibility that I have ADHD wouldn't be an issue except for the fact that my grades are being effected drastically, and I can't seem to concentrate. I kind of want to figure this whole thing out before school starts.

Any suggestion as to what I should do?




  1. I have ADHD and it is much better when you are on medication and it helped me focus and control my hyperness.

    Shes deffinatly in denial and i think at your next checkup you need to talk to your doctor about this. I've been on meds since i was 9 and it improved my grades dramatically. If you get checked by a doctor too see if you have ADHD then they will make you do all these tests and stuff but dont worry their kinda fun.=]

    yeah you need to tell someone like a teacher or a counsiler.

  2. I know what you mean.. my mom doesn't believe that someone like me could have anxiety issues. Because I do, but, she just expects perfection, so, she doesn't believe me- instead she'll freak and just be like "BECKY, STOP OVERREACTING". So, I deal with it myself and try to keep my calm as best as I can. Good luck with your mom, I hope she'll believe you.

  3. Simple.

    If the problem is your school work. Seek a solution to fix the problem..not being able to concentrate and do well..and BOTH moms should be happy to help you with THAT.

    Yeah,  I have trouble concentrating.  It could be dehydration. Make sure you eat well. If you don't, you will have trouble learning. I researched it...

    Bottom line? Try earlier in the day..find out if soft music helps...get someone to help you with the school work.

    Lots of people have handicaps...or issues....

    You can overcome it..

    You can still read about it and do things other than drugs to treat it.

    I loved school and was a college professor...I tried to teach students the fun in learning.

    I just read about ADHD...and it IS misdiagnosed ALL THE TIME. People with problems in relationships know like having two moms....

    So what can you do?

    Convince your MOM you love her and respect her.

    Convince your mom you want to do better in school.

    Work on THE problem..doing better in  school...and forget about labels.

    If you still think you have ADHD..then do what you eat right. Don't starve yourself, make sure you drink plenty of fluids. and avoid, when possible preservatives and artificial colors. Lots of noise and distractions may be a problem..Try yoga..or dance.

    I would think your step mom could help you with some "life skills" without all the labels. And many people can help you become a better student.

    Sometimes by redefining the problem you can find your way to a solution...

    You think the problem is convincing your MOM you have ADHD.

    The REAL problem is you wan to be able to function more effectively, concentrate on schoolwork.

    If ADHD did not would not care. And the other mom said you MIGHT have...was not a definitive diagnosis. Just a maybe.

    So "treat" what you feel are the symptoms.

    Since you seem to be motivated to do well in school..that is a very important overcoming this issue.

    "students may need help managing time and keeping track of assignments, textbooks, and instructional materials. Use daily assignment sheets that parents can monitor, and possibly, an extra set of textbooks at home. Provide assistance in planning and executing long-term assignments."

    "Programs with the highest success: school-to-work programs, apprenticeships, and the integration of vocational and academic instruction. When these requirements are met, the student is internally motivated."

    Research endorses the following methods: lesson preview, direct instruction, link new knowledge to prior knowledge and personal experiences, check for understanding, and prepare for transition to next activity.

    ADHD children are "learn by doing, trial and error learners" who will work to get something stimulating, active, and novel. They will also work "to get out of or away from what is repetitious and boring." This is why adding stimulation to instruction improves performance. Build novelty, interest, verbal response and motor activities into academic tasks. Educational computer games sustain student attention, provide immediate feedback, and develop problem-solving skills.

    So let's not call it ADHD..let's call it your "preferred learning mode"..or "enhanced learning mode".

    Foods can help..(and if you don't have, they will not hurt)...

    Omega-3 fatty acids, phosphatidylserine (PS), zinc and magnesium may have benefits with regard to ADHD symptoms

    Avoid: sodium benzoate...artificial colors and artificial flavors.

    Foods with "PS" include white beans (I read they can help lose weight), tuna and chicken.

    I would get some flax seed and use it for the omega 3's. If you use whole grain cereals (steel cut oats, etc.) you can put some ground flax seed and it is great for fiber.  Always drink lots of water with fiber.

    Try to do what you can with diet, exercise/dance (for fun and balance), and focus on ways to improve studies.

    Try studying in quiet. Earphones (if allowed), whatever.

    You will do fine.


  4. ADHD is a scam.  You don't have it but you've talked yourself into thinking you do so some greedy doctor will be happy to drug you up for it.  Listen to your mom and try just behaving yourself.  Claiming ADHD is just a cop out for your own poor behavior.  When I was a kid, we got our buts whooped for that stuff and so we didn't do it.  Now, you get coddled and drugged.

  5. Your stepmother can't treat you with medicine but at 15 your are old enough to learn other ways to function without meds and your Stepmother can help you with that without your mom saying yes because she doesn't even have to know.  You have to learn to focus without the meds.  I had ADD wasn't diagnosed until I had my first son at 23 years old and I had to sit down with a therapist and learn to try to focus and function without any meds.  Children after age 12 years really can learn usually to function but it takes training.  Ask your stepmom if she can help you learn to focus and function without any meds or if she knows someone who can help.  That wouldn't actually require medical treatment.  

  6. concentration is main thing with this disease and she need to go to doctor and be checked for it they can tell also have the school chceck it out.

  7. Take a test if your mom wont ask for one from a docctor then you ask fill it out and the dr can determin this for you

  8. wheres your Dad...doesn't he talk ??? maybe he should have someone talk to your Mom, if he can't do it.

  9. you could go to your teachers from last year and have them write just a little summary supporting (if they so believe) you. And since school is about to start you could even talk to the nurse or guidance specialist there.  

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