
My mom doesn't want me to work until the summer so any ideas on how I could get an allowance from my parents?

by  |  earlier

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I already do the dishes every day

I thought about maybe for every A I get on a test have some kind of money reward but I am a good student so I don't know if they would go for this




  1. ask them that if they dont allow you to get a job then would you be able to work around the house for money  

  2. sit them down and ask them if there is anything you can do for them for money. They will probably have something for you to do .

  3. I was a working Mom so I use to pay my daughter to do simple things around the house. She would vacuum and dust one day and clean the bathrooms the next. She started dinner every night. I would leave her directions as to what to do. I would pay her $20.00 a week to do these things. If she did extra work like in the yard or wash my car, I would pay her an additional $10,00. This was 25 years ago so I would think that today these jobs would be worth more money. Talk to your Mom and see what she is willing to pay for certain jobs to be done.

  4. I'm sorry to say, but your grades and the free knowledge you acquire is your reward. I think it is good that your parents want you to focus on your schooling.

    If you really needed money to go out w/friends you could always ask neighbours if there are any chores you could do for some cash. Maybe babysit or wash and wax cars.

    With the economy the way it is your parents may not have extra money to give you, so please remember that.

    ps. my 7 year old son does the dishes pay.

  5. just ask them nicely

  6. talk 2 ur parents tell em i do a lot 2 help out around here like the dishes and i NEED money so i would like some $$$ 4 all my effort.

    and the grade thing how bout if u get on high honers or something

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