
My mom doesn't want to buy a car other than an american car?

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She wants to support the troops and she says "I don't want to give chinese people my money." And as most of us already know...... American cars are getting pretty cruddy. What are some ways to bribe her into getting a Toyota? Please help!!!!!




  1. Toyota, Honda, Subaru and Hyundai are all built in the USA. A lot of Chevy's and Fords are built in Canada. There is a listing on cars showing what percentage of content came from what country. You'd be surprised how few cars are built here anymore. The number percentage wise is going up though, as they sell fewer cars. The #1 car in China, believe it or not, is the BUICK!

  2. Toyotas sold in America are made in America. Please assure her, with my help, that she needs to buty a Toyota.

  3. GMC Acadia

    Toyota Tundra is made in the US.

  4. Tell her to get a Chevy Suburban...Drive big and guzzle gas - THATS the American way!

  5. Go to the library and pick up a copy of the April 2008 issue of Consumer Reports magazine and look at the reliability reports for all brands of vehicles, Japanese, European, Korean, and American (no Chinese). See who builds the better cars (hint: Japanese). Tell your Mom to use facts and figures to make a rational decision, not a decision based on irrational emotion and misinformed ideals.

    American cars, in all fairness, are not that bad but you need to use the above magazine and other sources to make sure you select one that is better than the others. As good as most American cars are, Japanese cars, in general, are better.

  6. Well, to start with, "TOYOTA" is NOT Chinese it's Japanese.

    I'd prefer Honda over Toyota, but that's just me.

    Maybe you should get some Comparison literature on Imported vs American.Autos. Check statistics and show her that the Car you choose is more Beneficial for the environment and American cars DO NOT Last as long or are as Worry free. (Hold up as well)

    What about MBZ Or BMW's neither are Asian and have Great reputations.

  7. Well first of all, Chinese cars arent sold in America because they could pass the crash test requirements.

    Second of all, you can always play the environmental card. Tell her if she likes America so much, that you should drive a Toyota which is better for the environment so the country will stay around longer.

    Finally the biggest point you have!!! Driving an american car doesn't support the troops, it actually does the opposite because, we are at a war over oil. Driving an American car, which gets worse gas milage creates a reason for this war, which is putting our troops into battle. If there weren't so many SUVs and inefficient cars we would be at warm but America is oil addicted.

    If that doesnt work, compare the more features and better reliability from Japanese cars. Although i would personally drive a German car over a japanese one.

    Good luck!

  8. I happen to agree with insidebuy. American cars really are built better than those plastic (Toy)otas. Better off getting getting something like a Ford or Chevy and actually to correct you...American cars aren't cruddy if anything they're better.

  9. dont buy a toyota buy something nicer like a Ferrari or get an american muscle  

  10. Dont buy a toyota.I love domestic and european cars.Oh, and if she's buying the car then its really up to her

  11. If you bribe your mom into buying a Toyota, you'll be making a huge mistake that you'll regret for a long time coming. First of all, she wants an American brand car. Let her buy what she wants. People buy cars for emotional reasons. If you manage to sway her from what her heart is set on, she'll eventually find something she doesn't like about the Toyota. It could be the position of the headlight switch. Or the fact that Toyotas do not have auto headlights like most American cars. Whatever it is, she may never tell you how upset she is with you for letting you talk her into a car she didn't want in the first place, but you'll know it.

    Secondly, Toyotas are NOT rock solid cars people say they are. They have a tremendous amount of problems and a lot of recalls. And the recalls have to do with severe problems, such as engine sludge building up, even if you have the oil changed as scheduled. The sludge causes the engine to seize. Others are safety issues than can lead to major injuries.

    Go to: to look up all the recalls Toyotas have had over the last 5 years. You'll be shocked.

    So now, you talk your mom into buying one of those cars. It breaks down and is in the shop for a while. Again, she'll be very upset with you for some time, even if she doesn't say so.

    I've been in the business for over 30 years. My good friend is a Toyota sales manager. He's told me about the list of recalls Toyota has. We compared them to what I sell (American brand) and my line is acutally better built with less recalls.

    Please check before you make a huge mistake.

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