
My mom doesnt let me do anything?

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my mom never lets me go anywhere or do anything

she doesn't let me take the city bus

i can go anywhere with out a adult

I'm 15 almost 16

i never do anything bad

i don't understand why i cant go anywhere

I'm respectful i do what she says

ugh i have no freedom

how can i make her let me do stuff?

she says we live in a dangerous neighborhood

but we don't

and plus if i could go somewhere i would go with a group

and i know how to fight so if someone tries kidnapnap me

their *** is ganna get fucCed up

im not just ganna leave cause i have to much respect for her

and yet it feels she has so little for me =/

what can i do to make her let me go somewhere?




  1. discuss it with your mom. she might have reasons - if you sneak of whenever you want to she won't trust you.

  2. here's what you do:

    you charge your cell phone ;)

    tell your mom

    "mom, i want you to trust me."

    "i'll look both ways when the crossing the street and be safe,i'll travel in groups and have my cellphone on at all times"

    or soemthing like that

    then, if she's like maybe.... no-ish sign, bring out the notepad!

    tell her, that everytime you get out of the house, with friends like going to the mall on a bus...

    tell her you'll call her the minute you get there and a hour before you come home.

    or pick 2 times example 2:45 pm & 7 pm

    and call her when its that time...

    tell her to say what the consequences are ...and the curfew...

    then, she'll notice youre safe and trust you to be safe...

    but dont worry, it seems alot of rules or whatever or talk you have to do with your mom, but it'll go easy after at least a month...

    good luck

    best answer please

  3. you need to have a serious talk with her, try negotiating

    mama need to back off

  4. I would tell her all the reasons you think you should be allowed to go out by yourself.

    Maybe try starting out by going out with groups of people so she knows she can trust you.  

    Also, you could buy some pepper spray or something.

    My mom never let me go anywhere until I got some ;]

    Then she was fine.

  5. she wont parents often suck. mine are amazing and let me go to shows and get in cars with strangers and often when you think you can handle yourself you cant. just because we are girls does not mean we are helpless but you could take karate doe classes like i did because then you can take people twice your size down and if you give her all the facts and just talk to her without being whinny or rude and you just say mom please like dont sound beggy just tell her straight up how you feel no cussing and no raised voices act like an adult and hopefully you will be treated like one.


    i know its annoying but your mum loves you and doesnt want you getting hurt i live in an estate in london and it is dangerous and as ive grown i know why shes kept me in and when i see kids hanging onthe street they look like rats whereas if your going cinema or something just tell her to give you a curfew and stick to it so she'll give you more space! you have to prove yourself to her....

    speak to your mum it'll make you feel better... i did  and now i've got A LOT more freedom :)


  7. same thing with me. she thinks my friends are bad? they have never done anything wrong and when i go to hang out with them she says all this stuff like if they start to do something bad come home. i was like where are u getting these ideas? why dont u trust me! argh. i dont know what to do.  

  8. Show her ur responsible and respectful. If you show her that she might give u some freedom.

  9. I'm a mom and I can underrstand where your mom is coming from. It is a dangerous, sick world out there and she is only trying to protect you. My daughter is 15 and I allow her to go out with her friends but I have to know where she is at ALL times and she has an early curfew. Try asking your mom if you can go with your friends to the movies or to the mall in the daytime. Have her drop you off and pick you up if it makes her feel better. Hope this works.  

  10. Your mum is just too over protected cos she loves you and don't want anything to go wrong. the neighbourhood may seem nice. but there are creeps out in the world. or maybe your mum just over paranoid.

    Its not that she doesnt trust you, she just doesnt trust the rest of the world.

    I suggest to get a mobile phone so she can have contact with you and know you are safe when you are out. it helped me.

  11. Does she know your  friends?  Are they good kids or are your friends troublemakers?  

    Just know that you when you were younger you were dependent on her for everything, and it's just hard for her to accept that you are almost an adult and are old enough to be safe.  

    My thought is to try to convince her to let you do little things where you won't be gone a long time.   Be super responsible about coming home way before you have to come home, and just prove to her how responsible you and your friends are.  Eventually she might let you go out for longer periods of time.

    I know it's frustrating, I was a good kid and my parents were still hard on me.  but now that I'm a parent, I understand how scary it is to let your kid grow up and go out into the world where there are so many evil people.  She's just trying to protect you, so you just need to go overboard in showing her how responsible you are.

  12. talk to her if it makes her feel any better u could cary a pocket knife around (not to big though)

  13. she only does that b/c she cares about you.

    just show her that you are adult enough to do things without her and that you can take care of yourself in a bad situation. take a self defence class or something!

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