
My mom dont want to put me on the pill?

by  |  earlier

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hi, im 16, em and my boyfriend having PROTECTED s*x, but still i dont find it safe enough, though i trust him and he ulls out, i still would want to go on the pill!, its easy to dsay to walk in a clinic and get it, But my mom is Stupid, She thinks if she dont get me on the pill, then i wont have s*x, HELLO were in the year 2008, most teenagers of my age are having s*x, but i wanna take precaution! tahst the thing me and my boyfriend have been together for a year and a couple months, each months that passes my mom says she'll get me an apointement but she never does, and everytime i try to talk to her about it she freaks out and says im a w***e and stuff.

i would love to go in a clinic and get it by myself, but she would kill me if she'd ever knew?....

plz give me some advices,

Than you




  1. Go to Planned Parenthood or the Health Department and get some other type of birth control. I suggest Depo if you do not want to take a chance she will find out or the NuvaRing. By law, you have the right to do this and unless she finds your pill pack (which is why I suggested the above methods) she can not find out if you went to a clinic, had an appointment, etc. If she sets it up for you then obviously she will know so take yourself. I know Planned Parenthood has low fees as it is geared for women and men that do not have healthcare and need affordable sexual health services. You might even be able to get it for free at your local health department.


    Do not discontinue using condoms just because you are on another form of birth control. Just on the off chance that he cheats on you (you are teenagers, chances are it will happen). Birth control pills will NOT protect you from STD's. You are too important to take chances like that so young.

  2. I went on the pill to help relieve cramping.  Maybe she would be ok with that.  You could always leave your pills in your locker at school, that way she won't accidentally see them.  You should protect yourself against pregnancy even if your mom isn't willing to.

  3. while i'm guessing you're a little too young to be having s*x, if you're already doing it then i'm not going to lecture you. and it sounds like you're being smart about it, which is great. it's also great that you went to your mom about getting on birth control. in this case i'd say she's the one that is being irresponsible.  since you did try to talk to her about it, and she doesn't seem to be in any hurry to take you to the doctor, i think the responsible thing to do, on your part, is to go ahead and go yourself. you can find a planned parenthood or free clinc near you and get on birth control without your mom's consent.

    and as far as her eventually finding out that you did it behind her back...if that time comes just explain to her that you tried to talk to her about it and since she wouldn't help you, you wanted to do the responsible thing on your own and take all the precautions you could to not get pregnant.  she might be mad that you lied to her, but i'm guessing she'll be less mad about that than if you end up pregnant.

    good luck to you!

  4. Just tell your mom that you're very sexuality active and if not going on the pill will make you NOT have s*x - than what will make you have more s*x is doing it unsafe behind her back..

    Or you could simply let her read your post and the comments people say about this...

  5. Talk to her.

  6. No retards, Stop having s*x Juno!!!!! Your brain hasnt fully matured yet chemically and you truly dont know hwat your doing!!!

  7. So go get it anyways. You could also get the shot (lasts 3 months) or an IUD that lasts for 5-6 years I think? I'm glad you are thinking, even if Mom has her head in the sand. Definately get that pill or something else and use it.

  8. just when you or her bring it up be like can we make the apointement rite now?

  9. just do it! to heck with mom and your right everybodys doing it,

  10. yeah def go to planned parenthood and get it. and just try and hide it from your mom. thats better then ending up getting pregnant.

  11. its better safe then sorry

    i would take the pill.. better not to be pregnet

  12. learn how to type first.

  13. She will really hit the roof when you say, I think I'm pregnant . Go to the Health Dept. They wont tell her its the Law. And its free.

  14. Just because "most" teenagers your age are having s*x, are you required to as well? I have a friend (she and her husband are both teachers with master's degrees) who used 3, yes, three, forms of simultaneous protection when their first accident was conceived. He was accidentally joined by a brother 2 1/2 years later.

    Your mom isn't stupid. She must have standards for you and expectations about your potential. You're lucky to have that. Lots of kids don't.

  15. Its great that you are thinking ahead of situations like this,

    although I understand where you mom is coming from. Write her  a note and tell her in that since she dont wanna let you get them and tell her that you are running out of options and sooner or later you have to get those pills

  16. Yah I agree that you should be on the pill.  I am a mother of two children.   This way you won't get pregnant if your put on the proper pill.  Also, your mom is right that you should NOT be having s*x at all at your age!!  Yah, I have gone thru the same thing you are yrs ago, but I learned to curb it.  You and your bf need to do the same!!  Don't forget about the diseases that are out there.  Please wait till you are 25 yrs old.

  17. Your mom doesn't have to know if you go to the clinic by yourself. Almost all clinics don't charge you for it, and they don't tell your parents. As long as you're careful about where you put it and don't let her find it then it's ok. I've been on birth control for about 7 months and my mom still doesn't even know I have s*x.

  18. Go to a clinic like Planned Parenthood, regardless of whether or not she'll freak out, and do the responsible thing and get on the pill.  She'll be a lot more upset if you get pregnant, and it's your body which makes it your decision, so don't listen to her crazy antics and do the responsible thing.

  19. tell her you are already having s*x and its unsasfe s*x and you do not want a baby at your young age. Explain to her that this would ruin your life and you would have to drop- out of school, go on welfare and try to find some part time job then she would have to abbysit because you would not have a good education so you would not make enough money for a babysitter

    LOL hope this works

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