
My mom fell down the outside stairs ,what do i do?!?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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she has big gashes on her legs but there is absolutely no way we can get her to the hospital or a doctor




  1. You can't call emergency response?  She needs to have the paramedics come and look at her leg and take her to a hospital if it looks bad - even if the hospital is far away.

    In the meantime, clean the wounds with soap and water (betadine and water would be better, if you have it and she's not allergic to iodine), and bandage the wounds carefully.  But again - she needs to be evaluated to see if she needs stitches, a tetanus shot, and anti-biotics.  

  2. Call 911 and tell them what happened. They will send an ambulance to your house.  

  3. call an ambulance! oyu may be sorry you didnt later. Dont think about bills or anything like that think about your mother first! When you were little no matter what the situation she would have done the right thing for you. Now hurry! She may be going into shock with those gashes!!

  4. Dial 911 if you cannot get her to a doctor and she need to get to one.  

  5. Use C4.

  6. Probably a doctor visit or a 911 call. But since you are too dumb to know that because you got on Yahoo to ask people then you probably should just point and laugh. I can picture her outside laying on the ground while you said "hold on ma", " I am going to get help". "Yahoo answers, what should I do?".

    Yeah what help you are!

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