
My mom forbids me to wear thongs

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Even though I'm 17! Is that as wierd as I think it is?




  1. Well that is a bit unreasonable if you ask me. You are old enouph to drive, you should be able to wear any kind of underware you want. Hang in there. Just one more year and you'll be considered an adult and you can wear them.  

  2. My mum is cool with whatever I wanted to wear...but I didn't want to wear thongs.  I see people with their trousers low on their bum with their arses hanging out because they have a thong on, and I can't imagine what a pain the **** (literally) they must be, I bet it is like wearing cheesewire!!

  3. I can't believe how often people think that turning 18 means you are completely free. Your mother clearly doesn't' want you to wear a thong for her own reasons, and you ought to respect that.

  4. As long as you can't see them out of your bottoms I don't see why not.

  5. your pretty much an adult you can ware watever you want

  6. The point is, you are 17 and wanting to wear thongs.  In a parent's eyes, you want to wear thongs because you want to have s*x or wear inappropriate clothing or do things unbecoming of their daughter.  It may seem silly, but as a parent, I agree with your folks.  It doesn't matter how old you are, your folks will always see you as a little girl.  Get used to it!


    BTW, I see a lot of people saying "Once you're 18 you can do what ever you want!"  Bear in mind, if you live with your parents, don't plan on 'doing what ever you want'.  Just because you are a legal adult, you are still under THEIR roof, eating THEIR food, using THEIR utilities.  Maybe you should have a little respect for THEIR rules.

  7. let her know that your only intentions for wearing a thong is to remove underwear lines when you wear pants. assure her that you're not trying to look S****y and you will keep them in your pants and/or skirt.

    she is being silly. thongs are perfectly normal!

  8. It's not weird, it's just your mom being a typical parent with a little bit of her being stuck in old times. You are 17 right, not long to go now until your family can't tell you what you can or can't wear, they can only suggest. Just take it for now and then just do what you feel necessary when you turn 18. It's really up to you.

    She may have good enough reasons though so ask her what they are, instead of her just telling you that you can't wear them, it may be something she feels really strongly about.

    Personally i would wear them anyway despite what my parents said, but that's me lol.

  9. Yeah, thats weird, just buy them anyway, and dont tell her! ...~xoxo ally*

  10. I don't blame her.  Did you know that wearing thongs can trigger thrush and you can also transfer bacteria that lives in your bottom to your v****a and vice versa.......eewwwww and double ewwwwww!!!!  

    No matter how clean you are we all have bacteria that lives there all the time (e-coli being on of them!!!)  Stick to normal knickers. I binned all my thongs when I found that out.  Having that little piece of material moving between the two holes (sorry to be so gross) is just not nice!

  11. lol wtf d** 13 and my mom lets me wear thongs she just dont care !!!!!!! and plus they r very very comfurtable!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2

  12. It's not weird really, it's just your mum's opinion of them and how they can look.

  13. if you have a job you should be able to do what ever you want to do with YOUR money. so go and wear that thong girl.

  14. Some parents are just like that. I'm 15 and I wear them and my mom doesn't mind it as long as she doesn't see it. But my dad doesn't know cuz he'd freak out. But, if it's your money, go out and buy one yourself and don't let her see it.

  15. if you buy them, she shouldn't say anything. If you are expecting her to buy them, then you will have to wait until it is your money

  16. Sometimes moms can have weird requests.  She probably feels like it's too s**y and I'm almost betting she still thinks of you as her 'little' girl.

    You're old enough to go to the store and buy it yourself and she doesn't even have to know.  On the other hand, though, you are (i hope) living under her roof and it's her rules.

    I think maybe you should just tell her you're almost 18 and old enough to make your own decisions.

  17. my 12 year old sister wears thongs, & my moma knowss. its pretty weird actually.

  18. Some parents are just like that. Don't worry in a year you'll be 18 and can wear whatever you want.

  19. buy em anyway lolz

    and make sure you do your own laundry.

    or wait one more year?

    :D good luck

  20. gosh im 17 and my mum dont care haha i only wear thongs n she dont have a problem with it..just tell your mum you understand she dosent like them but its your choice i mean come on your nearly 18 its your choice your body up to you and ONLY you

  21. Eh, I'm 14 and my mom won't let me either. My BFF and I go to the mall and buy them anyway! (We havn't yet but we have plans to go soon!) Hahhaa lolz

  22. Some parents are just like that. Stuck in the old times.

    I'm 16 and my mom doesn't care that I wear them. I think they're more comfortable. I keep mine in my pants though :]

  23. Im 17 and my mum lets me wear whatever I like including thongs ..she just hates washing them hhaaha

  24. It's okay, I guess. Not too weird, mate.

    Some people think that it's like wearing string cheese up your butt, and some people find them more comfortable. It's just your mum's opinion. If you buy them yourselves and do your own laundry then she shouldn't find out.

    Hopefully she doesn't get suspicious and raids your underwear drawer :/

  25. yeah oh well depending on how long you have to wait, when your 18 your an adult she really shouldnt tell you what to do then

    just wear them anyway, its not wrong

  26. well my sis is the same age and she is not allowed to wear thongs either i guess that parents can be that way cause they always want u to be there baby girl and i guess if u wear a thong ur more grown up

  27. Im 17 to, I wear them, my mum dont care what i wear its up to me, which i like its called freedom, i think ur mum is being protective. Try hiding them, i mean she not gonna check what your wearing right? Your growing up and if u have your own money its to you what u wear,


  28. It's a little over controlling.  Most young women of your age get to make their own choices about how they dress each day.

    I would talk to her about why she thinks you should not wear thongs. Find out what does she think will happen to you if you were to wear them?

    I would then talk to her about letting you start making some of your own decisions, so that one day you will become an adult who has some experience in decision making.

    If she can't trust you now, to select your daily underwear, how will she trust you when you go away to collage?  With a controlling mother like this you may want to make sure you go to a collage that's well away from home!

  29. I'm not allowed to either :( Just wait 1 more year. Then you can wear what you want!

  30. Tell your parents to move out of the dark ages. Welcome to the 21st century.

  31. just wear them without her knowing!!!! does she lift up your skirt or check your underwear drawer?! be a rebel.

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