
My mom got a new computer and doesn't use the old one how can i talk her in to letting me have the old one

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My mom got a new computer and doesn't use the old one how can i talk her in to letting me have the old one




  1. offer to buy it from her and be prepared to pay her a nominal sum.

  2. Well, if you want to be treated like an adult, ask her what you can do to "buy" it from her. Make her an offer, whether it is chores, or whatever. She may love the idea of you doing laundry for a month for the computer. You wouldn't ask and adult friend for something for free, don't ask your mom.

    PS, your mom could probably sell the old one for money, so understand she is taking a loss by just giving it to you...

  3. Just ask her. Tell her since she doesnt use it why not let you.

  4. Ask her.......

    If she's not using it, she'll probably let you have it.

  5. don't ask, just slowly kind of take it, and put a whole bunch of your stuff on it, and then call it yours. Then download like 3GB of p**n, so that you can mark your territory

  6. see, when i was little i used to make my mom sit down and give her, i geuss you could say a presentation of why i needed this, or deserved that and usually it works. just let your mom know how you feel and why you feel you need this computer.


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