
My mom got me 2 guinea pigs!!!?

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I need lots of advice. I've never had a guinea pig before! So I could really use some info on them! Like how much should you feed them, do they need lots of exercise, what food is best, can they be potty trained, ect. PLEASE I NEED HELP!!! one is a girl (carmela) and a boy (blackie)




  1. Aww congrats! Here is the site to learn about guinea pigs:

    You will have to have the little male fixed so you dont end up with a TON of babies. Its relatively cheap to have dont, but make sure you find a vet that has fixed a guinea pig before.

    They live about 7+ years

    They eat mostly timothy hay (unlimited), and they need guinea pigs pellets because they have added vitamin C

    They also need lots of fresh fruits and veggies.

    Some people have litterboxed trained them, somewhat reliably, but they really are not like rabbits.

    Cholorplast cages work great and you can make them yourself, me I always used a large kiddie pool.

    They love toys, you will have to take a look at different toys people get their guineas on that site.

    The larger the cage the more fun they are, keep the perimeter clear so they can run laps and popcorn. Its always lots of fun to see them snuggle up in their beds and play with toys.

    Do NOT I repeat do NOT get them a wheel or a ball, it can snap their little spines in 2, and you will have a dead guinea pig. Those are really made for chinchillas (the wheels not the balls).

    Here is an article on the subject:


    With a relatively large cage they dont need a whole lot of extra run time, but as long as your grass is untreated you could get one of those guinea pigs e-pens and let them run in the grass while you clean their cage.

    You have to supervise them from predators though.

    If you have any additional questions they have a great forum that offers a lot of great advice. Have fun with your new piggies.

  2. give the fuits vege guinea pig food

  3. hey all u have to do is google it there should be alot of information there  

  4. wellll i have had 2 guinea pigs. i kinda wish i had one now. but my mom won't let me get one.

    let me just start out with saying the obvious... you need a cage, not plastic. they will chew through the plastic, mine had wire bars but the bottom was a different material. put like woodchips/bedding that they make for hampsters/small animals like that. and get a water bottle that attaches to the side.

    for food just give them the normal guinea pig food. i mean you can most likely get it from any store. i'm not sure where you live but walmart or myers or kroger. or at least my stores had it. but anyways.. and just leave him a little bowl that is constantly full. you can also give them treats like carrots or veggies - mine like corn, lettuce, carrots, grapes, apples... i don't really think they're that picky. just make sure you give it to them in consideration. like don't give them that 3 times a day, they'll most likely get sick.

    for exercise i had a little ball that he would run around the house in freely. another thing i bought was like a mini fence. i mean it's made for small animals like guinea pigs, and i normally would put that in the kitchen (because they'll pee and p**p on the floor).... but i always just let mine roll around in balls. just make sure you keep track of where they are. and if you have stairs make sure they do not roll down the stairs!

    i don't really know if you can poddie train them. you might be able to poddie train them to a certian point. but i never poddie trained mine and i've never heard of one being poddie trained... but i'm sure if you worked with them enough, it might be possible.

    but anyways that about all i can think of :)

    i'm jealous! i wish i had a guinea pig.

    mine were named oscar (i adopted him when he was like 2 years old and he was already named)

    and then i had a baby one named riley

    have fun!

  5. i would go to and look up first time guinea pig owner,but since their boy and girl...wont they mate?

  6. YEHHH I HAD GUINEA PIGS!!! there fun and they chatter there teeth when there gonna fight haha they eat carrots and guinea pig food found in petmart  my guinea pig names was Pirate, Ice Tea ,and Katrina when we got katrina it was during the hurricane in neworleans and she had swirls on her so i named her that my sister didn't like the name but later got use to it and called her that herself

  7. First of all, you'll need separate cages for them or else you'll have a ton of babies that will need homes. Get the largest cages you can afford because guinea pigs grow to be very large, and you don't want to keep updating your cages. [Even if your guinea pigs are young, keep in mind that like most rodents, they can reproduce before they're full-grown.]

    Never use cedar shavings as a bedding for them - it causes respiratory problems.

    It's easy to find commercial pellet food for guinea pigs, but they also need the vitamin C from oranges. You can offer other fruits and veggies as treats, but don't over do it ~ too much vegetable matter will give them the runs, which leads to dehydration.  

    They also need wood to chew on to keep their teeth from over-growing. Pet stores offer a lot of different toys that are safe for guinea pigs, keeping their teeth healthy and providing mental stimulation.

    They do need exercise, but I wouldn't recommend getting a guinea pig wheel [yes, they make giant wheels] because I've heard of the wheels causing back problems. The best exercise they can get is simply by running around a safe area. There are guinea pig "play-pens" you can buy to set up in your living room, for example, and that way they can run around without chewing on unhealthy things or disappear under or behind furniture.

    I've never heard of a guinea pig being potty trained. It might be possible, but it would take a lot of effort...

    The best thing you can do is pick up a book about guinea pigs at the local pet store you're going to buy your food from. I know for certain that large chain stores like Petsmart and Petco carry books, and you can always ask the employees there if you have any additional questions.  

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