
My mom had an ear ache and a tooth ache do u have any medicine for her?

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My mom had an ear ache and a tooth ache do u have any medicine for her?




  1. Hello, when you have a combination of an ear ache and a tooth ache at the same time the first consideration is that one of two issues is present, an ear infection or a tooth infection...Chances are the tooth issue is more probable...That being the possibility she needs to see a Dentist ASAP, get an exam and Xray to determine if one of the back teeth has an abscess or overly deep decay...If that doesn't prove out the next stop is at an ENT (Ear,Nose & Throat) doctor...She could actually have a deep seated ear or sinus infection and in either of the case will no doubt need to be on Antibiotics prior to taking the next treatment step. Get her to a Doctor..ASAP...Good luck and I wish you well.

  2. the pain is probably caused by a swollen lymph gland.  she can try advil and drink lotsa water.  if the pain persists, have her follow up with her dentist or doctor.

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