
My mom has a needle stuck in her foot. Pleas help ASAP

by Guest44847  |  earlier

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ok well my mom was sitting on the floor and she was getting situated and the needle somehow went into her foot, but the other half broke off, so half of it is in there. i cant see it either. shes soaking her foot in epsom salt. so please tell me what to do

o its a sewing needle




  1. If you can't see it, then it's probably best to go to the emergancy room so they can remove it. When i was little I stepped on some glass and had to go have the doctor remove it. It's probably safest to go to the doctor as soon as you can.

    Best wishes

  2. call a doctor or 911 or sumthing to get her help!    HURRY!

             HOPE I HELPED! :)

  3. go to the e.r. they will cut her foot and take it out. something similar happened to my aunt.

  4. Ask your mom if she has any boil ease. It will help to reduce swelling. If she is soaking her foot already in Epsom salt, make sure the water is ice cold. It will shrink the vessels and reduce swelling. If she can't pull it straight out it is better to seek medical attention as she could due muscle or tendon damage. You could also try takning tabacco from a cigerette, make a paste out of it and place it around the wound. Make sure she keeps the area clean after...good luck

  5. Take her to the hospital, and let them remove it.  That way they are sure to get it all.  Also make sure they give her a tetnus shot as well.

  6. i'd go to the doctor/emergency room...duh? your mom couldn't have figured that out?

  7. you should probably try to pull it out with a pair of tweezers or go to the doctor

  8. you're going to have to go to the ER for this hon.. to get it safely removed without infection or further damage

  9. You'll have to hurt her a little more. Take another sewing needle, sterilize it first with some alcohol or hold over an open flame like your gas stove or a lighter for just a second or two. Rub the site on her foot with alcohol, begin digging into the skin where the needle went in and peel it back to expose the broken needle. If you can't get it with tweezers, apply some tape ocross it and try pulling it out that way. If not you'll probably have to have her go to the Doctor for the extraction. She may also need a tetnus shot for safety reasons. If you get it out, apply some iodine to the site or Neosporin. Best to you young lady and your precius Mom.

  10. I wouldn't suggest going to the ER because it cost a lot of money and it isn't worth going there. But I do suggest that you soak your foot and then maybe dig around the skin and try to find the tip of the needle with tweezers and then pull it out! If the needle has rust on it then go to a doctor because you could get tetanus which requires a shot. But after you are done digging the needle out make sure you use an antiseptic cream or liquid to disinfect the puncture wound! Good Luck!!

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