
My mom has had fever for 2months now.shes bin to doctors n had tests but all results are negative.?

by  |  earlier

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shes feels weak and drained out and feels a little pain near her addomen when she breathes..her lungs r fine.doctors suspected gall stones but now they say that isnt the case.somehow the fever just isnt going away.i was wondering if i cud get some help regarding what to do now.




  1. What about appendicitis?

  2. id go with answer #1 or maybe your mother doesnt want to worry you and wont tell you the truth. Its best if family knows so they can help but some people would rather not worry anyone if they think its best. You should ask her if that is the problem and let her open up to you. It is very possible.

  3. Fever persisting for over 2 months could be due to one of the following:

    1. Chronic infections such as tuberculosis. Has she travelled recently to any country endemic for TB? Has her doctor given her the shot to test for TB?

    2. Any malignancy or cancer can present with just persistent fever. Are her blood counts okay and has she had a bone marrow testing done to rule out a blood cancer such as leukemia? Other tests to rule out cancer in the abdomen would include an ultra sonogram and a CT abdomen.

    3.Collagen vascular diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis can present with fever before any other evidence of illness.

    If her doctors can't find out why she has fever for 2 months, get a second opinion from another MD.


    Sarcoidosis is a disease of unknown cause that usually occurs in young adults. It may present with fever and no other symptoms, and can affect the lung or lymph nodes.

    About 50% of patients do not require any treatment as the disease resolves spontaneously.

    When treatment is needed, corticosteroids have been found to be useful. .

    50% of cases resolve or are can be cured within 1 to 3 years and most within 5 years.  

    Hope this is useful to you, and let's hope that if your mom has sarcoidosis, it remits spontaneously.

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