
My mom has had it with me being a vegetarian and she wants proof that being a vegetarian won't malnourish me..

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I have been a vegetarian for about 4-5 months and my mom does not approve of it whatsoever. She believes that if I don't eat meat that I'll lose all of my muscles, my skin will by saggy and wrinkly, and that I'll only be skin and bones.. She thinks that I'll die of malnutrition and that I'll become a vegetable myself if I do not eat any meat. I really want to prove that to her by giving her some facts, but I don't know how. I'm pretty sure that I won't die from eating only vegetables since there are other vegetarians in the world, but I don't know how to prove to my mom that I'll be fine eating fruits and vegetable. She's very stubborn and is disgusted with the idea of me being a vegetarian. Since it has been almost 5 months since I have been not eating meat she has had it! She's trying almost everything to get me to eat meat. Any suggestions of what I should do?






  1. First off, look up a copy of the American Dietetic Association's position paper on vegetarian diets.  In short, they approve of well-planned vegetarian diet for ALL life stages.  They are the world's largest organization of nutrition professionals and I highly doubt that your mom knows better than they do about the appropriateness of a vegetarian diet.

    The "well-planned" is the rub, though.  It's not at all hard if you arm yourself with a little nutritional knowledge.  I recommend picking up a copy of "The New Becoming Vegetarian" by Brenda Davis and Vesanto Melina.  Both are registered dietitians and,  if your mom is willing to read it with you, I'm sure they can convince her that she's relying on silly sterotypes rather than any knowledge of the healthfulness of vegetarianism.

  2. This is the best site I can come up with; from the American Dietetic Association. It is the professional organization of Registered Dietitians. If you are in the hospital and you have a nutrition-related health issue, you will probably be referred to a Registered Dietitian.

    Some people use the words "nutritionist" and "dietitian" interchangably, but anyone can call himself a nutritionist. You have to have college degree in nutrition and a professional license to be a Registered Dietitian.

  3. Ask your mom to talk to a certified nutritionist at the hospital.  She may not believe you but perhaps she would believe someone who nutrition is there college education and background.  You know they go to college 6 years to get their degree.   I think your mom talking to a nutritionist is the best chance you have at getting her to understand.

  4. I do feel for you. I turned veggie in 1983 at aged 16 - to much objection from my parents. They gave me such a hard time, especially my Dad. It was bad then, as the only veg convenience foods came out of a packet of dried stuff! I'd eat the potato and veg part of our family's meals and have my fried thing on the side - it was ok but a bit tedious.

    When I left home at 20 I had to learn to cook for myself and that's where the fun really began (I mean this in the true sense, not the sardonic one!)

    100 cookbooks and 25 years later and I have lots of yummy recipes in my repertoire. My mum actually converted to veg 15 years ago after 2 bouts of meat/fish induced food poisoning. I then taught her to cook veggie! Talk about role reversal. She is now very happy with this way of life.

    I'm so sorry that you're having a bad time but I can honestly say that my veggie life has been very happy and healthy - the only thing to bear in mind is to make sure you eat a balance diet and not just cheese toasties - but that applies to anyone!

    I'm sure when you show your mum all the positive replies she'll weaken a bit. Why don't you offer to cook the family a tasty veggie buffet too. Check out for some great ideas (this is actually Isa Chandra Moskowitz's vegan website but has some cool recipes - her books are fantastic too.)

    I wish you all the best!!

    Love and chickpeas!

  5. People don't need meat for anything.

    It's a myth kept alive by the meat industries and stupid people who believe what they hear instead of actually researching.

    Any necessary nutrient found in meat can easily be obtained from non-meat foods.

    Meat is actually bad for people.

    They CAN eat it and get nutrients from it but they're much better off if they don't.

    Show your mom some pictures of celebrity vegetarians.

    Here's one of the lists:

    Just pick a name and type it into google's image search to get a picture:

    Joaquin Phoenix is a good one because he's been a vegan (no meat, no dairy) his entire life:

    Some of the attractive women may be better examples in your case through.

    Keep in mind that vegetarians are often skinnier than people who eat meat.

    This is because vegetarians are also often more health conscious and, therefore, don't eat a lot of the garbage that makes people fat.

    People are actually meant to be very lean.

    People are healthiest when they are lean (as you're probably  aware).

    If you think your food is limiting the amount of fat or muscle you want on your body, simply start eating more fattening foods, and more of the protein-rich foods you already eat.

    I personally drink a lot of soy milk and take a multivitamin each day because I'm too lazy to prepare food.

  6. Are you careful to eat the proper things to get the vegetable protein that you need?  If you're not eating meat you need to be sure to be eating other things that will provide a healthy protein.  

    There are all kinds of products that you can buy.  Texturized Veg Protein.  Soy products are great for protein but personally I cannot stand tofu.  I've got a good article at home about how to get the protein you need thru a combination of certain foods.  If you want that let me know.

  7. Start by educating yourself.

    Then you can educate her. Be responsable about your diet and make a diet plan.

  8. Look up the health benefits of being a vegetarian online. This one is an example:

    There are a ton of websites out there where you can find a ton of information! Good luck!

  9. Say this to her.

    "Mom, I will make a deal with you. If you can watch a film called Earthlings, without once crying, or feeling sad. I will eat meat".

    She will never ask you to eat meat ever again!

    You can find Earthlings - animals abuse - free on google. its in 3 parts. 30 minutes each.

    She will never ask you to eat meat ever again.

    Oh by the way, people that do not eat dead animals are healthier and look a lot younger and beautiful! - thats why so many famous people are vegetarian cause they want to look beautiful.

    Plus there ar emany sports men and women that are vegetarian. - Carl Lewis. find his video too, talking vegetarian being more healthy.

  10. you won't die from eating only vegetables, but the fact that you don't know how to prove to your mom that you aren't malnourished tells me that you aren't quite sure what it is you should be eating and you are running the risk of being malnourished.

    below is a link to  it is the government's recommendations for nutritious eating and the page I've linked you to is for vegetarians.  you can show your mom that they show you what kinds of foods you can substitute for animal products that will give you the same vitamins and nutrients you could get from meat and dairy products (if you are going vegan and giving up all animal products).

    Educate yourself on what you need to eat to stay healthy and to help you ease your mom's fears.

    keep in mind that this isn't the only website, just a starter--but it may just be enough to help you calm your mom down.

    edit to add:

    until I read another poster's comment it didn't occur to me that your mom may be cooking your meals and her real objection is that she has to prepare two separate meals.  You may have to start planning and preparing your own meals  and give your mom a shopping list of what you need if your still a minor living at home.  or you can help your mom plan the family meal so that she can prepare foods for you that you can eat without preparing 2 meals for one family.

    If you're an adult living at home, then you start buying and preparing your own meals.

    If you're living on  your own you just reassure her and let it go in one ear and out the other.

  11. Well you have already been veggie for 5 months.  Isn't that proof enough?

    According to the "American Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada, a well-planned vegetarian diet can be a healthy alternative to standard meat-based eating styles for all age groups."

    Go to this website for more info from the ADA:

    American Heart Association:

    American Cancer Society:

    You see, if these agencies see vegetarianism as healthy, I don't see why your stubborn mother can't.

  12. You can't just eat fruits and vegetables.  Vegetarians eat a lot more then that.  You must also include whole grains, beans, nuts etc.  Google the Vegetarian food pyramid to get an idea of what you should be eating.

  13. sounds like your mom is having difficulty rising to the challenge of cooking for you rather than she doesnt approve

    if you were going to waste away you would be showing signs of it by now, and since you are not-or she would have said that, then it sounds like she needs help in finding nutritious things to cook for you

    there are millions of good books around, find one thats informative and suitable and help her accomodate your new lifestyle choice

  14. She has a right to be concerned, since it sounds like you're eating a very unbalanced diet and it sounds like you're losing weight. There is no way to "prove" that any particular diet is healthy for any one person, as you can never know what would have happened if they had eaten a different diet. But the evidence is that your diet is not providing you with what you need.

  15. ''Wrinkly..skinny''- those are stereotypes. They are not true.

    A balanced vegetarian diet is fine for all ages, even babies.

    You need protein for good health. Meat is not the only source of protein. Vegetarian protein sources: peanut butter, beans, dairy, eggs, soy products. The list is endless.

    There are millions of veggies in the world, you probably pass some very healthy looking people when you walk down the street. Inevitably some of them will be veggie.

    Tell her that there are many vegetarians and vegans in the world and lots of celebrities avoid meat, including Reese Witherspoon and JD Fortune.

  16. The cuter the animal the better it tastes I always say. But seriously don't worry about her you eat your veggies and leave all them baby cows and pigs to me, they taste much better when I have them all to myself.

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