
My mom hates hamsters?

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And well 2 years ago my teacher said that i could bring the hamster home and my mom really likes this hamster but hates all the other kinds. i really want a hamster so i was thinking that asking my teacher if i could have him and buy her a new one. Do u think my teacher would be ok with that? my mom is.




  1. Maybe because your teacher might have made a bond with that hamster and might not let you have it but if you by her a new one

    show your mom and maybe your mom will like that one and you can have that hamster and your teacher can have the other one.

  2. it might not be hers and she might feel compassion if it is hers, the chance is yours.

  3. No. Your teacher may have a special bond with that hamster and may not want to give him up. If it is the type of hamster your mother likes then you should ask your teacher what kind of hamster it is. (Like chinese or teddy bear hamster/syrian hamster) You can buy this same kind of hamster that you mom will like.

    Hope this helped and good luck!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  4. She may she may not because she may have a bond with her hamster. But if you ask her tell her that she can come over to your house to visit her. Or you could go over to her house. If you buy her a new one tell her you will get the same kind. I hope your teacher lets you do it.  :]-

  5. I think that's a great idea. just tell your teacher that your mom only likes that hamster because she knows it is non aggressive and she knows how it acts already. Tell her that your mom wont allow you to get any other hamster because she thinks it wont be used to her. Then tell her you will replace it with a hamster that is young and will be easy to handle and tame. I'm sure she will have no problem with it. good luck

  6. Hmmm... at first my mom hated hamsters and then I showed her the roborovski breed and she thought it was adorable! Luckly, we found them at Petco so I picked one.

    Maybe get a really good hamster to replace it.

  7. why does your mom like that hamster in particualr??

  8. Honestly, I don't think your teacher would be okay with that. It is her hamster and her pet. Pets mean a lot to most people and I'm sure it means a lot to your teacher. I bought a bunny before and I had it for a week and I fell in love with it. When I went on vacation I asked my friend and her mom to watch it. They got attatched to the bunny and asked my mom if they could keep it, my mom agreed and I couldn't stop crying.

  9. I dont know.

    SHe might want it.

    But YOu never know.

    I think if you tell you teacher about how your mom doesnt really like hamster butt is not attached she'll feel guilty in give in.
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