
My mom hates me :(.......?

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Hey every1 ... I know i might not be the perfect daughter but i don't do anything that wrong !! I never smoked! i don't even know the taste of alcohol !! i rarely talk back... But for her i am never good enough!

A couple of days ago we had this fight and i went to apologise and she said that she hates me very much and that she always has and she wished i was never born !!! It really hurts ! i have no brothers and no sisters ! I am all alone... i cried a lot in my room ! it hurts a lot.. now she's not miss-treating me or anything but i will never forget what she said !!! what shuld i do :(???




  1. dear ,contact me ,i assume that you are living in middle east because thats how we treat our daughters

    your mother will regret and you have to forgive her ,i ve learn that the worst kind of person who lose the one who loves them unconditionally


    have faith in god and treat god in her *i mean treat her good but not cause she is good ,cause god is good !

  2. she doesn't hate you but is letting out her frustration on you as you are probably the closest person she has.

    Don't let it affect or hold you back , get on with your life do the best you can and soon enough you will be leaving home to start your life.

  3. i wonder from what u described here i wonder if u were the product of a rape? i have a friend whose mom was raped & her mom never really 4-got it but it wasn't her daughter's fault. however, she was adopted by another family Z& she found her mom yrs L8r & I helped reunite them & she loves her mom very much. we'd since had the holidays 2-gether & had a good time. sadly, there r many kids who r the products of rapes & sometimes when the mother has 2 look @ that child it reminds them & i can't help but wonder if this is so in yer mom's case? if so, there's yer answer.

         additionally, what u can do is c if u can pick u up a boyfriend & c if u can marry right away OR u can try escaping 2 safety; u may have no other choice.

    Best Wishes and God Bless you

  4. awww, well atleat your mum didn't call you a *****. That is A VERY HORRIBLE THING TO DO!

  5. what was your fight about

    maybe you just did something that she DIDN'T expect?

    WOW that's a really small matter

    I think she must have been sad about something else so much that she decided to let go of her anger this way

    many moms do so

    just don't take it serious.many of us say the things we don't mean in our lives

    if you think this thought that she hates you is bothering you so much, then I guess you should talk about it(if you think talking is going to make it worse then don't)

    you can ask her why she said so?did she really mean it?

    and then she will give you a BIG hug and tell you that she didn't mean it

    I'm sure she respects you a lot because you have been a really good daughter and she feels so close to you

    you can also ask her to talk with you when she feels down and you can tell her you're so sympathetic.

    I would wish you good luck but you're already in a good situation now....

    but I'll wish you luck anyway


  6. Look it was a stupid thing for your mother to say.  But sometimes mothers get pushed to the limits and they are only human and say things they later regret - just like you do.

    Wait for it all to calm down and go and talk to her and tell her how hurt you are by her comments.

    I doubt your mum hates you sweetie.  But sometimes people forget how wounding words can be.

    Cheer up, I'm sure it will be alright.

  7. u should like call a child abuse center or talk to ur guidance counselor tell some one about ur problem immediatly

  8. Just give her some time to cool off. I'm sure if she really said that, she'll apologize to you. I am a Single Dad of one Son and yes it does get stressful for us even though you are our only one. That being said, your Mom shouldn't have said those things to you. I know how she really feels about you. She feels that your her whole life, and that without you in it she would die. Your her one and only baby and always will be forever and that she holds a special kind of love for you that only a parent of an only child can have. Believe me she holds you very special, near and dear to her heart and soul. I know because that is how I feel about my only child. Yet, I've still made mistakes and have said things to him I never should have in the heat of the moment and vise versa, but in the end we both know it wasn't truly meant and we always end up together again through the thick and thin. One sad thing that is true and you both should consider this before you lash out in an argument is, things that are said, things that hurt, may be forgiven but never will be forgotten. So never ever say these things if you don't really mean them.No family is perfect. So give her time (we're only human) she'll come around and until she does, (As a Parent of one) I'll say it for her, She's sorry and she really didn't mean it and she loves you more than life itself.


    James N

  9. I dont know a mother that could say such a wicked thing.

    how awful for you.

  10. etleast youve still got a home my mom kicked me out 2 months ago

  11. Call Childline

  12. she was probably angry when she said this, give her time to calm down then wait till she has some free time and talk about it, tell her that she hurt your feelings and that YOU would like an apology for the way she treated you. if she is a decent person she will apologise, that is after all a disgusting thing to say whether you annoyed her or not. if she starts to shout, just walk away. be the bigger person. and revel in the fact that when you are 18 (or 16 depending on where you live) you can move out and be free of this ogre for good

  13. We all say things in the heat of the moment , the fact we are wound up at the time is often the reason , talk to your mum and explain how you are feeling right now .I am sure she will say that it was just words and that she did not mean it  

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