
My mom hit me..was it for the right reason?

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okay so this afternoon my cousin invited me to the movies. it was 5 pm i think. i told my mom and begged her to go and she reluctantly and angrily said yes. She was so so mad that i went over to the movies for what every 5 months. Later my uncle picked us up and we went to my cousin's house and we hanged out for like 30 is now 10pm. i called my dad to see if i can for once in my life sleep over and he said yes but then my stupid Fu$*&^% mom started yelling at the phone and telling me that if i didn't come home she would drag me by the hair out of that house. i later came home so upset and got into a fight with her about why she doesnt let me have a life. she got so upset, she started screaming and telling me that my life should only be around my school not those sk@nks. i told her i am 17 and i can do what i want then she got a shoe and started beating me. she said i will get thrown out if i ever went to the movies again.




  1. Only a few weeks left.  

  2. if your 17 call the police, its your right to go to the movies, she has no right to hit you, you did nothing wrong, i think shes a physco.  

  3. It doesn't matter if it was for the right reason or not. She is you mom and she felt it was right. Your mom is not perfect and you are always wanting her to understand you when you mess up really big. so why are you telling God and anyone who will read that your mom may have mess up.

    As far as I am concern I think she was dead on. You knew you should have asked mom and not your dad. You put your dad in a bad place.

    If you are 17 you can move out and hurt both of your parents. But let me tell you your future. Your mom will be there when no one else will be. She will be the one who will always pick up you messes. And if you move out you will really mess up. Stay and make yourself proud and your parents as will.  Now give her a break.

    You are the teen and she and your dad are the adults. You know the rules of their house. You are going to want them to help with college and food and home and bathroom shampoo etc. Now while they provide your everday comfort you have to live by their rules, which was for your protection.

    Now have understanding of where they are at in their life. They are providing for everyone and trying their best to do whats right and what you doing . Giving them heck. Now back off your parents and grow up.

  4. wow ur 17 ur old enough to do what u want. i dont think she should have hit u, that was wrong

  5. OH MY GOD! Your mother should just phucking shut up, one time my mother had me on the ground and was kicking me and I was 14, I'm still completely scarred, sometimes I dream about it, because I had bruises all over my legs and my lip was bleeding because she slapped me, and the reason was because my little sister lied to her saying I hit my little sister, but I didn't, I couldn't stop crying and then my mum came in and said sorry and expected me to get over it, well, I haven't told her this, but I haven't and I don't think I ever will, so you should talk to your dad, uncle someone that you trust and see what they can do, and if she hits you again, you should move out, or something like that.

    good luck.

  6. WOW! well to be honest no its wasnt right at all im sorry to say but you need to rebel a bit if u r trying to do things right and she acts that way u need to talk to her if she still doesnt understand then u need to just do what u want dont go overboard though. i think ur old enough to know right from wrong. I dont mean to b a bad influence but she needs to understand just because she is your mom doesnt mean she is always right. good luck

  7. Any reason is good enough for me.

  8. These days there is never a right reason for a parent to hit a child, much less to hit a child with a solid object such as a shoe.

    But if I may offer a critique of your behaviour, you made several key mistakes, but the worst one is when you attempted to punish your mom by staying away from home. Maybe your moms behaviour deserves some form of punishment, but you aren't the parent here.

    Obviously your mom isn't happy about the crowd you hang out with, & that is something that can only be resolved through proper communication & dialogue between you two. Not with the two of you lashing out at each other.

    You may be 17, but you will never get to do what you please until you are mature enough to support yourself. As long as you are under your mom's roof she is the one who is responsible for your safety & well being, so listen to her. maybe she needs to improve her methods of communication with you, but she is older & more experienced, & if you went into each encounter with her with the idea in mind that you could benefit from her knowledge & experience you would find it easier to get along with her.

  9. You were out way later than the appointed time to return, but your mother was going nuts. It sounds like she is going through menopause in a bad way.

    Truth is, you are not 18 yet... and as long as you are under her roof, you have to abide by your parents' rules. You have the same rights whether you are 7 or 17... basically none.

    Don't do the rebellion thing again. No matter what foolish stuff your mom says, just nod and say "uh-huh".  You cannot win an argument with her... ever. Make sure she NEVER has to nag you to do your chores... put whatever you need to do on a calendar so you can point to your schedule. Do your best to avoid all points of contention and stay off the radar.

    Sounds like you need to take your dad for a long walk around the block, explain things and ask for support as you make your bid to transition to the adult world.

    You need transportation, a job, and a bank savings account. Can he help you out with this? Even a part-time job after school will make a big difference. You need to build a resume and some work history.

    If you can get some support and get a job, then you can always take one evening and dress like you are going to the job, but go to the movies instead. You will have to be slick about it.

    See about getting into some vocational programs at school, and also check into some of the 2 year vocational courses at the community college. Try to pick something that is inflation-proof... electronics repair, I.T., engineering, drafting, and so forth. Get some advice on this.

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