
My mom is 5'6 nd my dad is 6'4 Im 18 years old nd im 5'7 is there any chance that i might still be growin?

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its august nd for the last 2 months my body has been asking for more food. Now it doesnt matter to me but i know 2 people that said they grew atleast 5 to 6 inches since they graduated they're 21 now. Could it be that now I'm havin my growth spurt?




  1. i doubt it. you will grow til your 21 but if ur thinkin ur gunna be even 6 ft its not gunna happen unless u have an irregular amount of growth hormones being produced. and i dont believed they grew 5 r 6 inches in a couple years especially from 8-21 thats just unrealistic unless they were like midjets

  2. im 17 and im 5'7 too and the doc said that i would be 5'10 and my sis 5'9 but were slow growers. my dad was like 5'4 when he was 18 and by the time he was 21 he was 6'3 so yes you can still grow but its all in your genes

  3. Yes. I kept growing well into college. I was always one of the smallest in my classes and now I am average height- 5'9"

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