
My mom is always so harsh.......?

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My mom just yelled at me because I couldn't figure out an algebra problem. She is always yelling at me telling me how stupid I am and comparing me to her. (My mom is like a calculator, or better) She is always expecting to be genius like her. ( I am the smartest student in my class, probably school too) And when I make some small mistake. She will start yelling, not even give me a chance. I can take the criticizing and lecturing. But her words is always so harsh. It's like I am not her daughter anymore, just some criminal waiting to be sentenced. Then every time after she is done yelling me, she would act like nothing happened and I should just take the yelling and act like normal. I know her intention is good and she want me to have a better life than her. But I can't take it anymore. Please help me.




  1. Sometimes parents dont realize how hard they are on their children. As long as your trying hard, just be proud of yourself. as for as your mother, i could say to sit down and talk to her, but if shes not the type to listen and have a serious conversation, just remember that People treat the ones they LOVE the worst sometimes, out of emotion and comfort. hope all goes well.

  2. i no wut ur  talkin bout my mom is horrible to, shes  a math teacher, and i am not good at math, but i am the best reader in the school, she just notices the stuff i dnt do instead of wut i do. it  makes me so mad, but that just means goin away to college will be better!

  3. me and my mother never get on, its constant fights over the stupidest things, i can never be as good as my brother even though i have better qualifications and try my best at everything i do. What i would do if i were you is write her a letter - ok its a little bit g*y i know but its the only way to get all your thoughts out that way she can't argue back or ignore anything your saying to her, its written down so she can read over it again.

    good luck, i think she just wants the best for you

  4. my 7th grade science teacher was the same way. she was very harsh on us. one day i couldn't take her attitude and she told me "you either do the work or you get outta my classroom" i got up and left and she wrote me up. i didn't do something of the questions on my homework and she randomly asked me a unasnwered question and she made me look it up in the book, holding up class time. so finally after a few years later after i had graduated from middle school, i heard she got suspended for being harsh.

    what people dont understand is that people learn in different ways. people dont learn the same way and dont learn at the same speed, and that is something you mom seems to not understand, and shes not a very smart person if she seems to be this way. i suggest you find a different person to help you with your work, a person who actually has patience with you. you mom doesn't see why youre having a difficult time because math is simple to her.

    or better yet, show her this question, let her read how frustrated you have been all this time with her attitude.

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