
My mom is an alchoholic. Should I could confront her or not?

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She tries to hide it. I feel very unsafe when she is drunk. What should I do?




  1. I am SO sorry that this is happening to you. No one deserves this. I would confront your mom if I were you but only when she is sober. She will prob get defensive about it but stick to your grounds. Explain to her how it makes you feel when she drinks like that and what she is doing to herself. Look up some statistics before you talk so you have some stable information to back you up when you explain to her what is happening to her health. If this does not work and you live with your mom, can you stay over at a relatives house? A friend's house? This might make you feel safer since you won't be around her during these times. Talk to a counseler or an aunt, uncle, grandparent, whoever. They might be able to help you in this situation and help your mother too. I hope this helps. Good luck! :)

  2. Whatever you do, don't call her an alcoholic when she's drunk.  They get very...defensive.  You should really talk to her about it, just make sure you're with a couple of people.

  3. Listen to Nikipet. You can't fix your mom. You have to protect yourself.  

  4. REHAB lemme spell it out R-E-H-A-B!

  5. my dad's a dead alcoholic. So yes, you should probably confront her.  Maybe stage an intervention. Get everyone who cares about her in one location (like your house) and wait until she unknowlingly comes home. Then just express why you feel unsafe around her and the fact that you're worried and that you all want to help. If you can afford it, maybe you can give her the option of going to rehab. If she doesn't go, tell her that (if you're a teen or younger) that you'll move in with someone else. That might get her worried enough to go it.

  6. You should start drinking too. All those "unsafe" feelings will go away.

  7. yes confront her..

    then tell her she should go to rehab if its really bad.

    best of luck  

  8. Yes, if I was u I would confront her, but as well as have a friend wit u.. Just to be there for u or someone close to u r mom to help u confront her.. Or do it alone, but there are #'s u can call in u r town or ahot linee.... If she does decide to get help she can go to rehab or AA.

    Alcohol Anoymononus... Hope everything works out for u....

  9. of course you have to confront her. talk to her slone and tell her how you feel and that you are very concerned. she might not take it well at first but she'll soon realize that she might be putting your family in danger if she makes you feel unsafe. just talk to her if your afraid i understand but the best thing to do is to talk and tell her she needs help.

  10. Confrontation is not necessary.

    Protecting yourself is.

    You need to tell her that

    -you don't feel safe around her, especially if she is drinking, and that the next time she is drinking you will go to a friends house or another relative's house."     Let her know this isn't a threat, or a bribe. Just information so she will know where to find her when she sobers up.

    and when you need to do this, it would be good to leave a note somewhere she will find it, so she doesn't call the police.

  11. Yes. Stage an intervention with her friends and family. They should all confront her about her drinking. If you are a minor call 1-800-4AChild and join alateen.

  12. tell her how you feel  don't be aggressive but calm and no drama  suggest she gets help  offer to go with her to an open aa meeting if she says no - can you give her an ultimatum like if she doesnt seek help you will move out(is it your house or hers)  how old are you  you didnt give a lot of details so i dont know what options you have

  13. she when shes not drunk and maybe she should get some help. there are tons of hot lines you can call. all you have to do is look it up on the internet. you might even find a place your mom can go where you live. good luck, hope everything works out for you two!

  14. I am sorry that your mom has this problem.  Both of my parents had drinking problems.  I would get AA literature and leave it around the house where she will find it.  Find AlAnon in the phone book and call for help.  If that doesn't work, she may need some sort of intervention.  Do you have other family, aunts, uncles, grandparents, who could help you?

  15. That should be your choice, if you think its bad enough that she needs to be confronted. then find i kind way to say something to her. if you are going to .. come onto her softly. but if you are not really sure if you should. Maybe you shouldn't. but what ever you feel comfortable doing .

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