
My mom is bipolar, and can be very embarrassing...?

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my mom has aout 5 different diseases including bipolar and diabetes. Every day either her sugar is off so it makes her appear drunk or very very hyper. or, her bipolar kicks in and she can be extremely difficult to live with. None of my friends have ever been to my house because i am too embarrassed of my mom's behavior. i know it may seem mean and i should not be ashamed of her but im sorry i cant help it. when she talks either her speech is slurred or she is always singing. and she is not afraid to speak her mind. she will mention things that would embarrass the heck out of me, and if i asked her to stop that would just make her say even more embarrassing things. does anyone have/ know someone with bipolar that can give me tips of how to cope with her, and to help calm her down when she gets worked up? im tired of being ashamed and not being able to invite my freinds over.




  1. i suffer from bi-polar.i am very sorry that your mother embarresses you. it is not like she is doing it by choice. it is out of her control. so is her diabetes. if she is not on medications for both of them she should be. there are excellent meds out there these days that can help control the symptoms that she is suffering from due to her illness'. try putting yourself into your mothers shoes and seeing the world the way she does then maybe you'll see things differently and won't be so embarressed by her behaviour.

  2. you need a support group for yourself . what you going threw is no diffrent the the children of alcholics.I know i have bipolar.Try contacting

    NAMI NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness

    to see if in your state they have a local support group for children of parents with bipolar

    I also found this site

    and this page seems to have alot of links

    Support for Significant Others

  3. I have mild bipolarism. My advice to you is to go online and do some searching on google or about the disorder. Also, maybe prepare your friends ahead of time before you bring them over.

  4. i think talking to your friends about it is a really good idea. your mom might say something embarrassing, but just laugh it off and maybe leave the room or something? my mom its kinda the same and she follows me and my friends around sometimes its really annoying. just tell your friends and be prepared, it wont be THAT bad :)

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