
My mom is coming into town in just a few hours. I want the house to look cleaner - quick cleaning tips?

by Guest21496  |  earlier

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It does not have to be spotless, but what are some ways to cut corners so the house looks a little more presentable?




  1. Pick up clutter, put as much "away" as you can. make the beds  tidy the kitchen , ( wash dishes, put "stuff" into cupboards, wipe down counters with something sweet  smelling like Pine sol, or Mr clean.  make sure you clean off bathroom counters . then RELX it's your Mom, she knows you better than anyone and loves you just the same.

  2. make sure the floors are clear of clutter vaccumed and swept.  if there are dirty dishes you can rinse them and stack them neatly.clear off counters. bathroom should be clean.  couches and chairs should be free of clutter. make the bed.  put all dirty clothes in one place.

  3. Make sure it smells clean. This will help it appear cleaner then it really is. if you have anything like pledge spray a bit extra.

  4. Get the kitchen timer, when you're racing the clock it helps you move faster. Plus it keeps you from spending too much time in one room. Set it for 15 minutes in each room.

    Bedroom: Make bed. Pick up all the clothes. Pick up anything on the floor.

    Bathroom: Do a quick wipe on the counter. Wash the mirror.

    Put anything sitting out away, as much as possible. Give the toilet a quick swish.

    Living room/Dining room/Family room: Pick up any papers and either put them in a neat pile or somewhere hidden. Pick up as many things as you can. Walk in the front door, see what your eyes hit first (as if you were a guest) and clean that area. Vacuum quickly, just the middles and the main trafffic area. Don't worry about corners, under furniture, etc.

    Kitchen: Make sure your sink is empty. Get as many dishes done as possible. Clean off the counter as much as possible.

    Entry: Take 5 minutes and sweep it out. You'll be amazed how if the entry looks clean, the rest of your house will look better.

    I would go 15 minutes in every room, except the kitchen, I'd do 30. Then if you have time left over, go another 15 minutes in rooms that are the worst. Good luck, hope this helps!

  5. get away from you computer and clean the areas she'll most likely be... SNAP ON IT! lol

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