
My mom is driving me crazy! read at your own risk?

by  |  earlier

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shes getting married today and her and her almost husband are so perverted. (do not imagine your mom in this place or your might die!!! of disgust)

they are always making out and sticking their tongues down each others throats even when my Friends come over and i have to scream and yell to throw things at them to get them to stop! when he first moved in they had s*x 24/7 i swear and you could hear them they did it in the day even when my friends came over i mean i would have liked it if they did it when we were gone or at least asleep! they are always saying sexual things and being nasty!?!?!?! they are soooooooooooo nasty and then my mom turns around and says i cant have a boyfrienduntillI'mm 18 i mean i knowI'mm not going to have s*x tillmarriagee but i mean come on. andI'mm so tired of this can you please help.

ps she thinks idon'tt know what a lot of sexual things mean but being at school i learn alot of that from other kids




  1. sweetie, i understan and i don't think that's a very uncomfortable

    but dont try to look for a boy b/c u might end up like her, im not trying to offend u or ur mom,  we dont realize it, but we tend to follow the same patterns in our families, and w/e we're closer to ,u should really look for professional help & don't hate ur mom b/c even if we don't like the way our parents make decisions, we have to respect them & don't follow their examples.

  2. this reminds me of    

  3. I suggest that you tell one of yor concerned relatives or you could even file for child abuse, because that is an abuse is not good for a mother to behave in that way, i am a mother too

  4. Try and get your mother aside and talk to her if this is true. Say mom, you expect me to behave like a real young lady, right. How do you expect that when you are not setting a good example for me to fallow. Her you act like a teenager in heat in front of me and my friends. I hear you and your boyfriend in the bedroom, you think I do not know what is happening in there behind closed doors or why would the door be closed. I know that is none of my business but what kind of example are you setting for me. The nasty thing that the two of you say to each other that I hear around here is not right either. If I talked like that you would knock me down, or ground me. Is that the kind of person you want me to be and do the things that you have been doing? I hope this will help you in some way to be a better person. I am sorry that this is happening to you at such a young age. Good Luck and may God Guide you un the right direction.

  5. Wow, that is a tough one.  I am a mom who got married almost 2 years ago and I will barley give my husband a kiss in front of my 16 yr old and 12 yr old.  I would take a best friend with me and talk to her about this.  I don't know if it would matter.  It sounds like she hasn't had a lover in a while.  I know you don't wanna hear this, but you might have to just deal with it until the s*x dies down.  Trust me, it will die down.  As for your friends coming over.  It is really wrong what they are doing, but perhaps you should not have your friends over for a while.  Stay out of the house as much as you can and  hang out with your friends till Mom and new step-Dad can get there hormones under control.  As far as your dating.  Sounds to me like your more sexually mature then your Mom.  You might have to sneak...  Good Luck.

  6. Are you really, really serious because I find this hard to believe. If this is true then your mother has a problem. I'm having trouble believing a mother would act this way in front of anybody. You have to throw things at her to get her to stop??? Why am I having trouble believing this story? Maybe because I am a mother and I'm just not feeling this. If I'm wrong you have my heartfelt apology and sympathy.

    And, if it is the truth, tell a relative.

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