
My mom is emotionally abusing me but i cant call...

by  |  earlier

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My mom is always calling me names and making me want to kill myself. I looked of a list of what emotional abuse is and what the child may act like and I do all of them. Since last year I noticed my speech become more slurred and my sleep is terrible. She is always degrading and even as I write this she is telling me that my life is tragic as a 13 year old...Should I still call




  1. call what?

    call childline.

  2. You really need to talk to someone. Is there a counselor at your school you can confide in.  Who is that you want to call?  Social services and report your mom?  What about your dad, is he around?  I know these are probably none of my business, but I'm trying to get a feel of what's happening to you.  I feel so bad for you.  No child should go through that.  Why is she doing this to you?  It sounds like your mom has a problem, not you.  See if you can talk to someone you trust first and then see what they say about making that call and go from there.  I sure hope things get better for you.  You are in my prayers.  You pray too, it really helps.

  3. idk bout you but when i was 13 i called this childhood. seems like your over reacting. if your mom honestly didnt care about you why would she let you on a computer?

  4. Call child services.  Get out of there!  Do you have a relative you could live with?

  5. Go to a relatives place and ask for help. Keep trying till you run out of relatives, then ask a teacher instead.

  6. I don't know who you were planning to call so can't answer that specifically.  However, once you are back in school it might be a good idea to make an appointment to talk to a guidance counselor or  a teacher you are comfortable with to find options.  

    I know what it is like to live with someone who is verbally abusive and makes you feel like you can't do anything right, and no matter how well you do in school or outside activities it is never good enough.  I know it wears you down and even if people outside your home tell you how capable or pretty or whatever you are, you find it hard to believe when someone who is supposed to love you doesn't seem to believe that <sigh>.

    I hope you are able to find an adult who can talk to your mother and explain what she is doing is a form of abuse and maybe help her to change.  It didn't work for me and I ended up finding a job and moving out when I was able to.

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