
My mom is forcing me!!!!!!!!!!!! URGENT HELP NEED PLEASEEE?

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my mom is forcing me to go to a college i hateeeeeee, i just turned 16 a month a go and i feel like im 12 because i go everywhere with my mom and i just feel younger then my age most teenage girls these days have boyfriends ive never had one, ive never even kissed a guy or anything i feel so young compare to my age and my mom is making me go to a college everyday with 20-28 year olds i feel so young and dumb compare to them i feel sooo unhappy there all the old woman are talking about there kids saying like i got 2 daughters and im like lol well i have a dog whos like my son and a cat thats like my daughter haha i feel so like intimated in this college but my mom is saying please go it makes me happy seeing you go there but it makes me sooooooooooo unhappy and because im refusing to go my mom is making all her friends shout at me and force me to go to man its making my life really unhappy and depressed i dread going college everyday i dread waking up what can i do. urgent help please and thanks for your answers they mean a lot to me! adios xxxx




  1. Wow that does suck,listen hun when u turn 18 go to whatever college YOU want to go to move out of the house and do what you want...she's probley trying to protect you from boys tho cuz at your age a lot of them just want s*x from you but hang in there and tell her to loosen her grip on your life but show her her she can trust you like with boys just be careful.....good luck!

  2. i swear college isn't that bad nobody even thinks about the other ppl in college. They wanna get there and get out as quick as possible. Be happy that you are ahead of the pack. later on your gonna wish you would have done it. now what i don't agree with is your mom going everywhere with you i think since you do go to college at such a young age and show that you ave the maturity to do so she should show you the trust to let you hang out with your friends as you please with out her around to babysit and you should let her know

  3. tell ur mom tht it makes u to unhappy.

    but since she wants u to so bad u will make a compermize.

    u will go to college but with 17+

    not in the twenties only.

    there are many many colleges llike tht.

    and its okay to feel like tht.

    and it happens to tons of girls.



    i hope it all ends for the better!!!!!

    i am praying for u

  4. You need to talk to your mum and tell her how unhappy you are at the college. Give her reasons why you don't like it. Ask HER why she makes you go. Your mum sounds really cruel no offense... Try refusing to go again and if she STILL insists on you going, be really mean and threaten to move out/run away... but that's a drastic measure :p

    And don't worry about not having a boyfriend. I'm 18 and have never had one :p

    I really hope you can make your mum see sense soon :)

  5. Ok, stop freaking out and think this through calmly..... college at 16 is tough I'm sure to fit in and it is difficult at any age.  Here's the thing tho, you're comparing yourself to people older than you and have done more things than you - so what, you'll get older too and you'll get to do more things too.  In the meantime, stop and consider how very wonderful, smart, and supported by family you must be to have that chance at 16. Those older than you did not have that going on for them.

    You should be walking tall and feeling proud, try it, you own that.  Be proud of who you are, and your perspective.  

    Kissing a guy is something that you get to do when it means something, not because others are doing it and there is no rush for that.  Actually, you win here too because it means more when you're more together (older) and can choose someone worthy of you, not just anybody should stick their tongue in your mouth after all.

    Also, everybody worries about fitting in no matter how old or sophisticated they may seem.  Be proud of what you can do, who you are and be friendly.  Give it a fair shot, you might just like it and realize how lucky you are to have such an advantage in life.  

    Ask you mom to back off the pressure and tell her you're having a hard time but that you'll give it a shot for a period of time say 3 months and then, if you're still really unhappy, agree that then you'll sit down and talk again.  That's mature!  Put a smile on your face right now even if you don't feel like it and walk around with it for as long as you can, get those feel good brain chemicals moving, fool your brain, c'mon!  Do some exercise, that'll help with that too.  Count your blessings, you do have them!  There are so many smart girls in the world who never get such a chance - go for it, girl!!!!  Take the advantages you have!

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