
My mom is going through perimenopause (47 years old) and has had her period for 18 days?

by Guest67013  |  earlier

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we think shes going through peri. shes 47 and has been under a lot of stress...she said shes getting clots the size of 2 toonies coming out. she said shes had it now for 18-19 days ..extremely heavy...she will be going to the doctor as soon as he gets back from holidays...thats not until tuesday. any ideas as to why shes bleeding so much? she is taking iron supplements, drinking lots and resting. shes just a little concerned. any advice or personal experience?




  1. It sounds like it's hormonal.

    Good to hear she is going to see her Gyn.

    The same thing happened to me in 1992, but for a different reason (PCOS - I had stopped ovulating).  I wasn't bleeding heavily though.

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