
My mom is in a hole (financially) -please help?

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My mom is taking care of me and my brother ..18 - 21..

and she can no longer afford payments on her dodge durango, and the payments are $480 each, the child support from my father stopped on June 1st 2008, and there will be no more child support coming her way, our current cost a month for living in our townhome is $850 (all bills combined). But we do plan to move to my mothers sisters apartment August 1st, and that will clear most of our problems. Combined bills there will be $300 - $350 (conjoined bills), so that will be a savings of $550, and it will make up for the missing child support. She has not paid her rent for this month yet, $650 (was due july1st). And she has also not made her car payment, $480 - (Was also due july1st).

She just got payed yesterday, and her paycheck usally rounds to $1,300 so that only leaves about $160 for extra money, and the light bill has to be paid also, and that rounds to around $150 so we will have no money for food, OR the lights get turned off




  1. It's hard to believe that adults of 18 and 21 aren't already working, especially in view of what your mother is going thru to support you. While you're looking for work, you might consider taking a less-than-ideal job just to help out. Even the little you'd earn at a fast-food joint would help during this difficult time. You could be babysitting or mowing lawns.

  2. She should pay the rent and the electricity.  

    Call the creditor on your dodge durango, explain that you are in a temporary financial crisis and ask if you can skip one month and move the payment to the end of your loan, or pay interest only for 1-2 months.  Explain your exact situation as you described it here, and make sure you do exactly as you promise.  

    Call your local United Way, Catholic Charities or other umbrella agencies.  They can direct you to charities which can help.

    Walk into any church in your area, and explain your situation and ask them where you can go for help.    Some church communities may want to help you, themselves.

    Explain your situation to your friends.  They might think of ways to help you.  

    Look through your apartment and see if there is anything that you might be able to sell for money.    

    Contact the local food bank for food pantry.

    Call your electric company and ask if they have a program for low income families to help pay their electric bills.  

    Check to see if your family qualifies for emergency food stamps

    Consider advertising you and your brother for babysitting.  You can get work quick and get paid quick.  Even if you have no experience, you can watch older kids pretty easy.

  3. Considering i am a 21 year old stay at home mom of 2 and 4 months pregnant with our third and last baby. This kind of c**p makes me sick! We bought our house when I was 19. What the heck has she done with her have grown kids and worried about her lights being shut off!?! I just don't get the logic there. If she knew all of this was the case, and didn't plan for it...thats her fault. It doesn't seem to have been a problem for her to go out and get a HUGE car payment, on a horribly inefficiant gas vehicle. The rent is dirt cheap and affordable. I am understanding that you, your brother, your mom,& your Aunt are ALL  going to cramp into an apartment?! Why isn't your mom getting a second job....that's the respectable thing to do. Hasn't she learned at some point, how to effectively stick to a budget.....after all she has to be what at least 40yrs old.

    My husband makes 700-800/week; 2800-3200/mo (depends on how much overtime he works). We have an 884 mtg, 361 car payment, all other bills...PLUS 2 kids in diapers, one on formula, PLUS 25% of all my pre-natal costs (running right at 300/mo). So the finances balance out exactly the same as your moms. We have 500-1000/mo left over after all of our bills! So where the heck is all the money going. Do you guys have cell phones, cable, internet, eat out, drive un-needed, shop a lot, ect. If so THATS the problem! Also if she is living on credit (loans/credit cards), then expect for things to get a lot worse before they get better...because the intrest will suck her income dry.

    Like another answerer said, learn what NOT to do from this! Get a job, and start making a life for yourself! At the age of 20(if you live to 100), your 1/5th of the way through with your life! Keep that in mind, when making and otherwise. You only live one life, and I don't know about you....but I don't want to spend mine broke, in debt, living off others, and miserable. Especially not to be driving a big gas guzzler! I think she needs to take a finances course, and re-evaluate her decision making. Other wise, when she is passed and your brother will be left to clear up all her debt.

    Edit* I don't mean to sound like a bi*ch, I hope things get better for her and you guys. Just try to help her come up with a budget, and see if there's anything that is taking up money, that isn't needed. If not, then just try to get a job, and get the bills caught up. My husband had very good luck getting hired throgh a temp agency. He started at a low wage...but within 90 days his pay more than doubled. So try looking into a temp agency. If there are any manufacturing plants around you guys, then thats something that offers rapid advancement. My husband works at a bread factory here in town...after 4 years he's now a machine check into things like that. Jobs that are entry level are good ones to get your feet wet, and work up. G'luck, hope it turns around for you guys.

  4. maybe u and ur brother can help out and take a part time job

  5. sounds like your both doing the right thing by looking for jobs ASAP...try helping her out if you have any sort of savings...lets face it she isn't obligated to take care of you after you turn 18 and your father sounds like a deadbeat if he isn't helping anymore when he knows that she's supporting both of you...what an ***!!!  You both sound like great kids though.

  6. its sweet u wanna help:) my advice is pray u would be surprised the lenghth prayer will go. and it doesnt hurt to try

  7. Two words.  Labor Ready.  You and your brother need to be there asap everyday until you get jobs.  FYI I have lived on my own since 19 and never moved back home.  I had to work three jobs to support myself but I did.  My boyfriend (now husband) worked two jobs.  We lived in a five hundred square foot one bedroom apartment and spend Wednesday afternoon and evening together because it was our only joint time off.

  8. You and your brother should have applied for jobs at 16-17, especially the older brother. I'm sorry she's in this situation, but she got there herself. Grow children shouldn't be living at home unless they help with the finances. Child support stops at 18, that's how it is. Its not your parents job to support you once you are an adult. I hope your Mom figures things out and starts charging you children rent or kicks you out. Sounds like ya'll are taking advantage of her.

  9. Welcome to adult life.  She knew ahead of time that the CS payments would stop.  She should have saved money for that day and not taken on a carnote for a vehicle she clearly cannot afford.  And now she is dealing with the results of poor choices.

    Use her failure to handle her finances as an example.  And live on what you earn, not beyond your means.  And save.

    And here is another lesson.  Your lights do not get cut off after one missed payment.  So she let that go prior to CS being cutoff.

  10. maybe you and your brother can get a job?

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