
My mom is letting me get a dog!!!?

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my mom is finally letting me get a dog of my own and im not sure what type of dog should i get or where i should get it! please help me!!!!!!! = )




  1. Jack russell for sure!

    Well if your hyper and have lots of energy

    or a Border collie/ sports/hearding

    Shih tzu if you want a pluffy,loyal kind,small

    German shephrd/ loyal,nice,big,Good for protection!



  2. Please please please, check out the local aniaml shelter, there are so many great dogs that need as loving home. The shelter staff will start you out right, with vaccines, heartworm testing and (most important) spaying or neutering. All my dogs have been shelter dogs and they have been the most wonderful and loving friends.

  3. He searches at a kennel


  5. That's a pretty big question!  The answer depends on a bunch of questions that you need to ask both yourself and your family and be honest with the answers!

    There are some dog sites out there where you can sort of do a personality dog-match quiz.  It's by no means perfect but it might help you narrow down your choices.  Just google on:  What kind of dog is best for me?

    The things you need to consider are:

    -  how much exercise are you able to provide your dog?

    -  how much time are you realistically able to spend time grooming your dog (don't be fooled, however - some short haired breeds can often need as much grooming as long haired!)

    -  are there any allergies in the family (if so, you'll need to look for dogs that are low on the allergen scale - poodes, wheaten terriers)

    -  how much time can I devote to training the dog?  Some breeds are easier to train than others

    -  How large is my house/apartment?  My backyard?  

    As for where you should get it:

    Rescue is the politically correct answer, but be sure that the rescue shelter has thoroughly checked out and settled the dog.  Some shelters foster dogs for a few months until they are ready to be given to their "forever homes".  Some shelters will only deal with immediate health issues.   Many dogs that go to shelter are there because of behavioural problems.  That's fine if you are experienced enough to handle it, but for first timers, this could be a disaster.

    Be very wary of backyard breeders (these are the ones that advertise on Kijji - these are often hidden puppy mills.  Insist on seeing the puppy at its home and preferably meet the mom and dad.   If neither are on site or they refuse to show you, walk away.   If the breeder advertises more than 1 or 2 breeds walk away.  

    Avoid anything called a "toy" - the exception would be a Toy Poodle.  Most of these are designer dogs where no consideration has been put into temperment and health - only just how cute they look!  I think the most ridiculous thing I saw advertised was a toy Yorkie.  Like a regular Yorkie wasn't small enough?  Why not adopt a gerbil instead!

    If you have the money, then going to a registered, reputable show-breeder is a very good option.  Ask for a "companion pet".  This is a dog that was bred to be a show dog (therefore careful attention was put into pedigree and pre and post-natal care) but for some reason would not meet show standards.  

    Hope this helps!

  6. Congrats! Good luck with a new puppy. The only place you should get a dog from is a shelter or reputable breeder. You shouldn't buy from a pet store because those puppies come from puppy mills - chances are they won't be healthy. You also shouldn't buy from about 80% of people claiming to be breeders - they don't practice safe breeding methods and most don't care much about health. Just that they get puppies.

    Here is how to tell a good breeder from a bad one:

    And info on puppy mills:

    General info on getting a dog:

    What to look for in a dog. Well, it depends on you and what you can control. Think about size, coat type, coat length, grooming needs, intelligence, trainability, exercise needs, and so on. It's important that you choose a breed that you can take care of easily. HEre is a site to help with that:

    It's also important to think about the individual dogs' personalities. A reputable breeder will be able to help you choose a dog that matches you. But some things to look for are fear (severe timid or shy behavior), aggression, playing to roughly, and so on. Here:

    Here are some general sites:

    Add - The "wonderpuppy" links have multiple things on each page. Scroll down and check the whole site out, it's very useful.

  7. if you want a small dog, get a teacup yorkie, go on google and look at a picture it is so adorable

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