
My mom is mad at me, what do I do?

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She made me mad this morning by asking me to babysit again while she teaches her evening class. I don't think its fair since I want to go out with my friends and have fun I'm 17 after all and that's what summer is about so I told her it's not my responsiblity to take care of her kids. Then she said I was lucky she didn't make me get a summer job like most kids my age and taking care of my brothers was small compared to what most kids had to do. So I said maybe shouldn't have had other kids anyway since my stepdad left her then she slapped me hard. It didn't hurt that much but I was shocked by it and she hasn't spoken to me since and my 12 year old brother is mad at me about it too. What can I do to make it right?




  1. Put your foot in your mouth didn't you. You are very lucky all you have to do is watch your sibblings here and there, it isn't like your mom is going out to party...she is WORKING!!! You were very much so in the wrong! I would sit her down and appologize to her and tell her you know you were in the wrong. Offer to watch your sibblings a night or 2 so she can go out by herself for some her time or with her friends. You messed up so you need to cater to her and appologize!!!

  2. I agree with the rest of the comments. You should surely tell your mother sorry, and that you got carried away because you would of liked to go out with your friends instead of watching the kids that night. but that you were in the wrong with what you said.

    I do think your mom was in the wrong for hitting you though. There were better ways to handle it, and smacking your kid isn't right.  You did go way past the line though, and I think you know that. The only thing you can do now is tell her you are sorry, and really mean it, but I think you will. maybe you guys can talk and work out some kind of deal about watching the children. I do agree that it shouldn't always be placed on your shoulders to watch your brothers and/or sisters, but I think you should be helping out your mom a bit. It could be worse, she could be going out to the bar everynight and making you watch the kids. she could be on drugs, she could be out there selling herself on the corner. I think it's time to look at the bigger picture and see how good you actually do have it.

    Good luck talking to your mom. :)

  3. I am not gonna jump down your throat like the rest of them here. You made a mistake by saying that to your mother! You do need to talk with her and apologize. Try to make her a nice dinner for when she gets home and tell her how you feel, without getting UGLY.

    I have a friend who expects her 17 year old to watch her 4 yr old 3-4 times a week so she can go out and hang (she is 35). So I can understand you feeling like your taking care of her responsibility's. I often remind her that her 17 year old didn't ask to be a part-time mother.

    I would do everything I could to make her understand that you was just frustrated and you didn't mean that stuff about her being left (I dint think you have any clue how devastating it can be to be left by the one you love).  

    Tell your brother you love him! He should understand hey he probably dosent like being under your control just as much as you dont.

  4. You are selfish. I have a question, and you can reply to me, do you plan on getting a job so you can move out when you turn 18 and out of school? Do you expect your parents to support you until you're 30?! You need a reality check. I'm surprised she hasnt made you get a job yet either. I'm 17 going on 18 in about 3 and a half months and i've had my own place since i turned 16 when I was kicked out.

  5. You were being selfish. She has done so much for you, raising you and she is just asking for a little in return. Besides, you ARE lucky she isn't making you get a job!

  6. Ask her to please sit down and to listen to her. Talk camly and politely about what's upsetting you and why you were annoyed.

    If she still insists you should do it and you have to give in, ask to get paid so that when you do go out you will be able to buy what you want.

    If she has hit you before talk to an adult you trust about. Hitting your kid is really serious.

  7. Act contrite, change your attitude and beef up the house work. Tell her your feeling stupid for not being more sensitive to your families needs, inparticular hers. Tell her you admire her hard work and appreciate her, ask her to forgive you.  Then join a church youth group with your brother.  And get some lotion and rub her sore tired feet----she'll  appreciate you if you do this twice a week. My girls did.

  8. I would have slapped you too, if you were my daughter.  You have no right to say those things to her, and these are your siblings you are talking about, not some random kids.  You should sit back and think of all the things that you have and what your mother had to do get them for you.  She is right that you should have a job and be doing more for yourself.  When I was 17, I had already been working for 2 years, and I had to pay my own car insurance and pay for my own cell phone.  My mom didn't even give me money for a car.  You sound ungrateful.  

    To make it right, maybe you should watch your siblings for once, and do it more often for her.  I bet you sometimes she wants a night to go out with her friends too.  How often does she do that?  I am willing to bet that it's not enough.

  9. Honestly? Stop acting like such a brat. Who do you think you are, to say such things to your mother? That was a horrible thing to say, and not warranted. All she did was ask you to watch your brothers.

    Maybe you should go out and get a job, and find out what the real world is like, then maybe you wouldn't be so cruel to your mother.

    Apologize sincerely, offer to babysit without complaint, and then do it. And apologize to your brother, too- that was his father you were talking about, no wonder he's not speaking to you!

  10. Wow.  You opened your mouth a bit too much, didn't you?  I hope you learned your lesson.  The only thing you can do now is apologize.  AND MEAN IT!  Don't apologize just to get out of trouble.  You need to really sit and think about how inappropriate your words were.  What you said to your mother was probably the most disrespectful thing I have ever heard.  

    Your little brother has every right to be mad at you as well.  You practically said that you wished he was never born.  I'd be pissed off at you too!

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