
My mom is mad at me, what should I do?

by  |  earlier

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In the mail, I got a really long love letter from one of my best guy friend, I was really flattered and stuff. It came in with a cardboard envelope and my mom got the mail and asked me whats in it. I took it to my room and read the letter. My mom came in and asked me again what did I get. I won't show her the letter because I'm afraid of what she'll think.

Should I show her the letter or not? She's kinda mad at me and thinks that I'm hiding something bad from her when its not.

Help please, thanks.




  1. Show it to her. She thinks your hiding something bad right? But a love letter isn't bad at all :D So..

  2. just tel her it's good news and not to worry.

  3. I think it would be a good idea just to show her the letter. It's better that she know what it is than letting her imagination run wild with crazy ideas about what it isn't.

    Or if the letter is too personal or something, then maybe just tell her what it is. I'm sure she will understand!

    Best of luck!  

  4. Well she is going to be worried because you "hid" it from her but I think you should show her. Good Luck.

  5. I would show my mom.

  6. Of course she'll be mad. And yeah, you should let her show it. It'll make her feel unsafe & be worried sick over you trying to figure out what's going on. Plus, it's nothing bad. It doesn't say anything naughty or dirty, does it? Just show her & she'll be able to trust you more.

  7. yea just show her the sure she's not going to read it or anything...she was just curious about what you received thats all...

  8. just show her, Cuz then she'll think that you're doing something your not. And you want her to trust you.

  9. just say it was a letter from your friend..whats the big deal?

  10. Show her the letter, it's not a big deal.  

  11. She probably thinks it's something like results from an HIV test or something ha ha.

    Just tell her it's a letter from a friend and that its no big deal, or show her it.

  12. yes, show her   i'm sure she thinks it's worst than it is -- show her and get it over with.

  13. ok u should close it and then reopen it with her than u should act all surprised and say o my gosh i cant believe he sent this to me! she'll ether say "aww that's so sweet" or "who's this guys mother! I'm going to have a long talk with her!"lol good luck!

  14. just tell her it was a letter and it is nothing to be concerned about, but you would like to maintain your privacy  - as you respect her privacy.

    You could tell her who it is from so she does not think it is from a stranger or you are gettting in some sort of trouble.

    Do not be rude and reassure her that if it was anything serious - you would talk to her about it

  15. You need to show her. She is only trying to protect you there are a lot of people (guys too!) out there that will hurt you your mom needs to know who your friends are and what is going on in your life. What if you turned up missing? She needs to know where you have been. I always thought about that with my mom.

  16. just tell her its a letter whats the big deal.

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