
My mom is mad at me because I hung up on her.....?

by Guest56930  |  earlier

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I did so while trying to vent about my husbands boss. I was IRATE about the rights violation (see previous questions if you want to know about the situation) and how my husband wouldn't say anything about it. She told me I needed to stop yelling and calm down, i knew I wouldn't be able to do that at that time so I hung up instead. Now she is being awfully cold and distant, which is NOT the norm for her. I have apologized twice now and really don't feel I should have to apologize again, but what can i do to make her not be so upset. I suppose nothing huh, she'll have to come around on her own?




  1. What kind of an adult child would hang up on their parent?  I don't' care how mad you are you never disrespect your parents.  If any of my adult children (ages 23 up to 30) ever hung up on me it would be a while before I ever spoke with them again.  

    That is the worst kind of disrespect you can do to a parent.

  2. thats enough...she will come around..

  3. She was just probably shocked by your reaction to hang up.  Give her time, she'll get over it.

    Unfortunately, I've done this to my mom a time or two before.  I've basically had to explain to her that hanging up is my way of not taking out my anger/aggression on her.  If I were to stay on the phone, I'd end up yelling at her for no reason because I have a slight temper.  She now understands.  I rarely do it, but there's definitely been more than one occasion.

  4. You hung  up on her. I dont understand why she is being so immature about it. Would she rather you sit there and just yell at her. There is nothing else you can do. Just let her throw her temper tantrum and she will eventually get over it.

  5. I know exactly what your going through.. So many times while I'm venting to my Mom she says something to upset me or just acts like she doesn't understand so I hang up on her..  If possible you could call her and explain to her that you just wanted her to listen to you and try and understand what you are going through.. You don't have to say sorry again though.. She will hopefully understand you better if you just explain to her where you were coming from.. I hope this helps.. Best wishes..

  6. Yep - she has a right to her feelings of hurt, too.  She can't just turn them off, even if she knows, logically & empathetically that they are misplaced right now.

    She will let it go when she can.

  7. Give her time.  She is probably feeling hurt that you hung up on her when all she was doing was trying to help.  You apologized...that is all you can do.  Its up to her when she will forgive you and let it go.

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