
My mom is making it worst, how can I stop it?

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My mom is really getting on my nerves really. As just now she said I couldn’t go to NYU Stern College or go the community college, I don't want to go to a community college anyway. However, let's continued that right now my life sucks really badly because of my mom She said in so many words that I’m not smart enough to go to a good school like this one . Moreover, I said I don’t want to go to a special school like the one you already sent me. In addition, she wants to do it again and not to my other three sisters. Why just me anyway, it makes me want to cry when I was sent to a special school full of special kids. My mom is a BIG idiot. Why, because she sent me there to that terrible school and she said my old school was to much for me but it was that stupid teacher that my mom likes a lot and she was stealing my ideas and my mom don’t believe me at all. In addition, I’m so angry and depress at the same time. And since my mom don’t believe me on doing my own work I’m going to RUN AWAY for good and never going back because she won’t let me even drive or get a job and that’s just sad for me . In addition, I told her I want to be the BOSS of my own corporation someday but she didn’t listen to me at all. So what should I do? It’s eating me up inside really. My mom is just making it worst for me period.




  1. Jamila:

    I think it's great that you believe in yourself and I don't think it's right for your mother to doubt you and not even give you a chance to try. You might want to talk to a school counselor about this, and if you have a disability, you might want to contact the office for students with disabilities at the college you want to go to and see what your options are.

  2. if you care going to college then you are at least 18 years old, which means you do not have to listen to your mother, and you can go where ever you want. pick the college you want to go to and GO..

  3. My mom told me I was too stupid for college.  I eventually went but didn't finish because I beleived her.  I REALLY regret that now.

    Apply anyway, to the schools YOU want.  Who cares what she thinks?

    If you really want to prove her wrong, buckle down, work on your grades and start filling out applications.  Stop threatening to run away - you want to show her how mature you are.

    I know you can do it if you stay focused on what YOU want to accomplaish rather than focus on 'getting back' at her by running away.  Talk to school counselors for help with getting college information.  You might surprise yourself.

  4. Hah Hah. What is it today? "I hate my Mom" day

  5. sorry but it sounds like your not mature enough to go to college.

    come how old are you to be talking about running away and college at the same time.

    Grow up or don't forget huggy bear.

  6. Oprah did it, no one believe in her, I say go for it girl.

    And you know, your SAT scores are what's going to get you into a good school, good luck.

  7. Speak to your Dr and ask her opinion. Your Dr might refer you to a councilor that can help your mum come to terms with your ability to be independent.

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