
My mom is making me completely miserable...what can i do?

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My mom is a really protective mother she doesn't like me having good close friends, going out, or having guys like me. I understand that she protects me but she's taking it too far! She uses lies and blackmail to scare me and keep me away from talking to people. Can't she see that she's hurting me? she is always lying trying to scare me so that i tell her things...i think i have a right to have some privacy. Its so hard cause i don't know when she's lying and when she's telling the truth... she makes me hate myself with the way she's treating me. TElling me really nasty things and stuff like that. I know I'm not perfect but I don't deserve that treatment. She's making my life very lonely and frustrated and just plain depresive. I don't know what to do. EVERYBODY in my family is on her side...everybody watches every little thing i do and they do that so that they don't get on her bad side and at my expense. it really sucks and i feel alone in my own house. I don't know what to do but I just can't go on like this....any advice please?




  1. she is just trying to protect you. you need to let her know that you are smart enough not to make bad descions and just ask her to let go a little. she just doesnt want you to grow up to fast and something bad happen. and yeah you negleted to say your age it all depends on how old you are too  

  2. Do not feel bad! All moms are like that! They just want to keep you safe! Dont fret! By the timre your older she will be out of your hair.


  3. My mom is like that.

    i say just talk to her and tell her how you feel,shes your mother I'm pretty sure she will understand.

    good luck.

  4. You neglected to mention your age.  I would try to find an adult that you can talk to.  From what you say it will need to be outside of the family.  Perhaps a school counselor or a member of your church.  You need someone to help you cope with a difficult family.

  5. OMG I thought I was the only one out there. Except it's my grandmother. A woman that believe if the street lights are on... it's too late to be out.

    Unless you're a REALLY good daydreamer like me.... idk

    You have to learn to block things out. When I want to go out with my friends (she doesn't like any of them) I tell her that I have to work late. If you're too young to have a job... your kinda screwed

    Try telling her that the more she sufficates you with her over-protectiveness the more you want to push her away. This is what i do.... when my grandmother tries to play the "over protective" card I just say " When have I ever given you a reason NOT to trust me? You taught me right from wrong and I listen to what you're saying, but I have to make my own choices. Some may turn out to be the wrong choice, but that's another lesson learned

    By the way I'm 23!!!!!

  6. Hey, I can relate to this a lot. My mom sounds almost exactly the same as yours, she made my life very lonely and miserable. Luckily, I made some good friends, but my mom wouldn't let me go to their houses or anything like that. Well, I finally told her that she never let me have any freedom and it was making me feel miserable. She started letting me hang out with my friends little by little, but that's only part of it.

    After a certain incident, I got so upset with her and couldn't stand her anymore. I told her all she's done to me and that it was her fault that I was so lonely and depressed. Well, I guess she felt sorry for me because that's when she started to let me go out with my friends. I know it might not seem like a happy solution, but I just tried shutting my mom and family out of my life and I still am. Now I have more close friends, and I'm happier than before. My friends are my family now.

  7. Lol! I suffered with the same problem! My mom is always worried that something bad might happen to me, she also tells me that you can't trust your freinds etc. and I can understand that because she's had a bad experience with a so-called "freind". And a few years ago I still wasn't allowed to go visit at a freinds house and I was so bored and could only stay at home, go to school, or go out shopping with her! I stuck it out back then because I understood her reasoning because we weren't in a very safe country back then. But now I can come and go as long as it is affordable and safe by her reasoning ( not too bad since I can argue about my age if she refuses lol!).

    I think you should negotiate with her like: "Can I go out if all my homework is done?"

    Or you can have a debate, you tell her why you can go and she tells you why you can't, try to understand her reasoning, whoever gives more reasonable reasons is right and gets her way! (It worked for me!)

    Gl, hope she eases up on you a bit.


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