
My mom is making me pay for all of my dance classes this year. Help, do you think I can afford it?

by  |  earlier

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I have a job and have been giving my mom 100% of my paycheck for the past two months. So far I have raised $1750. I need about $2616. It's getting really stressful because I have no money to have fun and can't do anything with my friends without digging into my savings. Taking these classes are very important to me and I don't want to give any of them up. Here are the costs.

All Star Cheerleading: $1135

Tap class: $871

Hip hop: $610

Total: $2616

It will take me a long time to raise the rest of the money because during the school year I will only be able to work two evening shifts per week. Should I give up my freedoms and keep raising money then love all the stuff I get to do, or should I drop hip hop and risk being completely miserable about it?




  1. you can do it! good job u saved up that much money in two months!! could for u!! =]

  2. We can't really answer this for you as it is a personal decision.  Maybe see if your mom will help you out - ie: a loan - as long as you agree to pay it off.  Offer to pay her interest...

    Good luck!

  3. stick with it. if dancing is what you love to do then you wont mind giving up a few freedoms because you know its for a good cause.

    and you never know, if your mom sees how hard you are working to get this money and you are short a few, she will prolly end up helping.

    dont give up!

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