
My mom is nuking my new found social life.

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I'm 21 year old college student still living at home lately I've been going out a lot more then I use to in previous years. Whenever I make plans my mom get's really pissed if I go out somewhere more then one time in a given week. Like for example let's say I go out with my friends on monday and on Tuesday hang out with my boyfriend and his friends. She goes ballistic about it and I end up having to cancel my plans for the day/night and just stay at home. I don't know what to do anymore and I know it's just going to get worst with school about to start up again. ;-; Help!




  1. is your mom married? if not maybe she needs a man? she is lonely

  2. just  tell them

  3. uh make enough money and move to a small place. or move in with your boyfriend for the mean time. pay rent for your mom if u already don't.. uh tell her ur old enough to do what ever and go out. she was your age once. didn't she live the life your living..  

  4. Sit down and talk with her...  Ask her what her house rules are so you can make your plans around them.

    Although you are an adult you are still under someone else's roof so in order to respect the roof this is a necessary conversation.

    I have to say that when my children were in college they were treated as adults while under my roof AND they acted like adults.

    Sometimes it is hard for parents when the kids grow up - Please be patient with her while she is going thru this experience... (smiles)

    Good Luck To You -

    Just Chill

  5. Tell your mom that you are old enough to be out on your own. Ask your mom to put herself in your shoes and see what being kept in the house every week is like. Don't stand there and mope about it, do something that will make your mom realize that you are a big girl.

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